Spending Time With Family 2 Brothers And Sisters Reunited.

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I would be delighted my lovely punkin Savaria said repeating the incantation from earlier and said the portal is ready whenever you guys are.

Thanks auntie we will be there in a few minutes. They packed what possessions they had and walked through the portal arriving inside Gino's.

Bethany saw her aunt and uncle and ran over to them. Uncle Damien she said watching him turn around and smile.

Sweetheart he said hugging her and lifting her up and spinning her around before sitting her back down.

She then went and hugged her aunt whom she loved so much. You guys cannot believe how much I've missed that and how I've missed you both.

Brittany felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and she turned around looking into the eyes of her twin sister Brittany. They squealed and giggled like a pair of teenage girls over their favorite actors.

Oh my god I've missed you Bethany. The feeling is mutual Brittany they said hugging each other and when Bethany saw her brothers talking to Gino she snuck up behind them and tapped them on the shoulder.

Lucien and Alex turned around seeing their other sister standing there. They picked her up and put her in a bear hug.

She had never been so happy to see them and when they put her down she walked over to Gino who looked at her with his arms opened wide.

Ahh brother Gino you don't think I would forget to hug you? Do you big guy?

I would hope not little sister. And hugged her kissing her cheek before sitting her down.

They sat down and ate talking about old times when Savarias cell phone rang. Hello she said waiting for a response, Hiya sis I haven't heard from you in a while and wanted to see how you were doing.

Nicholas how are you she asked its been to long between calls how are you and Solange. We're doing great we are currently In Paris and are getting ready to come to the states.

Awesome have you heard from Dante? Yeah actually, hold on for a sec sis. Nicholas hit the speaker and heard her brother Dante's deep and gravely voice. Hello sis.

Hello Sweet brother how are you and Porsche? We are absolutely fantastic sweetie, how are you and Damien?

We're great just sitting here with Gino, and some of the others waiting on my kids to call as I'm expecting them too at some point.

Ahh that's awesome sis. Right she said and when do you guys think you'll get here?

Well we've decided to fly by plane and it will take about another day before we arrive in the states.

Trinity and Addilyn had spent the whole night doing what hookers do best, doing drugs and having sex from the night before until this afternoon and neither of them could hold their heads up they were so tired.

Big daddy called them," hey bitches where's my money? Piss off Trinity replied you'll get your money after we've gotten some much deserved rest.

No bitch I'll get my money now and you can either bring it to me or I can come get it and if I gotta come get it you'll be in a world of trouble.

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