Alexanders Mate

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Alexander felt her relax in his embrace. He knew that in order for her to feel safe he needed to speak the words of power and form an unbreakable bond with her.

He whispered in her ear," I Alexander Joshua Regal give you Addilyn Waverly Parker my heart, soul, body and protection from now till the end of time, will you give me everything you possess.

Yes she said I give it to you only please don't let them hurt me or my sister anymore.

Look at me sweetie, he said eyes glowing a dark purple. She looked at him and instantly became spell bound.

Now I want you to relax and give yourself to me, never again will you want for anything and you will never again do drugs or sell yourself for money and from this day forward only I can satisfy your cravings.

He turned her head to the side and bit into her throat feeling her instantly arch herself against him. He pulled away and shared his blood with her.

Now my love you will sleep until I awaken you. He picked her up and held her against him jumping from the second story onto the pavement below with her still in his arms.

They drove back to the police station and he picked her up and took her inside. Zachary and Eva had decided to come to the states cause well they were bored with the U.K. And wanted to see something different.

Alex felt weird and began to see double. Zachary ran over to him and sat him down taking the girl to have her checked out. Lucien saw his brother and walked over to him.

Hey bro are you ok? No Alex said I feel like shit. Bet you didn't get the drugs out of her first did you? There wasn't time Luc, she was injured. Ian had arrived with Ariel searching for a place that they could call home when he saw his nephews.

Luc, Alex he said and noticed that Alex didn't look so great. He touched Alex's face and knew that the boy was high. Wow kid you have heroine laced blood running through you.

Yeah he said slurring his words it appears that way. Well I must help you get that out of you so that you don't take a chance of becoming addicted.

How are you gonna do that? Ian reached over and bit him drawing the toxins out of him and when he was done he used his voice to heal the bites.

Now Alex sit back for a little bit and relax. No he said not unless I can be near Addilyn.

Ian gave him a puzzled look? Shane explained the situation to Ian that the girl was Alex's intended.

Ian called Zachary and after a few rings he heard his brother say," it's your dime, your time spill it." Smart ass Ian said and laughed.

Ahh hello little brother how the hell are ya? I'm doing great just hanging  out at the station, helping my nephew come down from his heroine buzz.

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