The Return Of Her Daughter And Son

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We're on our way now Casey said as soon as I can focus on summoning the doorway we will be right there.

Hello mom Brandon said breaking Casey's concentration. She swatted his arm telling him to shush. Here take the phone over there and talk to her please.

Sorry he said and walked over next to Sable. Anyways hello mom. Hello there my sweet boy, you know your mama loves and misses you.

I love and miss you too mom. Loki tapped him on the arm pointing towards the portal.

Ok Brandon tell your mother bye now. Bye mom he said hanging up and stepping through the portal along with the others appearing on the other side.

Wow Casey said I've only seen pictures of this place but to see it up close is really beautiful.

Yes it is a deep and rumbly voice responded. She looked up to see Nigel and Jessica. Casey was tickled there stood the one who took time out of his life to spend with her and her brother. Who protected her mother and protected her when she had nobody else.

Godfather she said running over to him all but knocking him over trying to hug him. Hello punkin he said your hair gets more purple every time I see it.

Have you seen my mom? Not yet he said we just got here ourselves. Jayden tapped her arm and she looked up.

There they are she said seeing them walking the opposite way. Casey ran using inhuman speed to catch up to them.

Dad she called out to Damien running up to him snaking her arms around his waist nearly knocking him down.

She loved her dad very much and enjoyed being close to him when she could. Daughter he said hugging her tight and kissing her head before sitting her down so she could share the love with her mom.

Her mom turned around angel baby she said seeing her sons as they ran up to her. They all hugged her and gave her kisses on the cheek.

Brandon let go and went to his dad. Hi pops he said and hugged Damien before letting go.

Damien was starting to get hungry but human food wasn't what he needed at the moment, what he did need was blood, hot and rich and sweet running down his throat.

He licked his lips hungrily and took off. Casey looked perplexed, what's wrong with dad?

Well Savaria said for the past few days all your dad has had to eat is human food but no blood and now he craves it.

Damien growled low and deep and if you were here right now gorgeous I would consume you.

Savaria smiled wickedly and said you guys stay here for a minute I gotta go deal with your father.

She ran into a darkened alley and saw him feeding from someone and when she got close he growled at her.

Woah there fella who are you growling at? I'm growling at you and if you come any closer delectable one I might decide to bite you.

Savaria stood against the wall one leg bent and propped against the wall with her head laid back and her throat arched. Come to me my Damien keeper of my heart.

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