The Doctor Is In (Zachary Regal)

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Is he ok Zachary asked? Yes for the most part Ian replied, I told him to relax a while but he said not unless he can be near Addilyn I believe he said her name was.

As the ambulance arrived they tried to get he girl out and she screamed. No! No! Get the hell away from me. One man went to touch her and out of sheer panic she bit him.

Ouch damnit the paramedic said. Zachary approached her and looked into her eyes. Shhh he told her, relax nobody is gonna hurt you.

Addilyn was terrified and didn't mean to hurt the man but in the moment she reacted out of instinct.

She looked in the man's eyes noticing their dark gold color and the sound of his voice was enchanting.

He smiled at her, that's it sweetie just relaxxx, you are spell bound and want to only do as I command.

He picked her up and carried her inside to the exam room and laid her on the table almost forgetting his brother was on the other line.

Sorry Ian umm bring Alexander to the seaside memorial hospital cause I'm afraid if I try to check her out to see the extent of her injuries that she might try to bite me. Will do Ian said before hanging up. Ian walked back over to Alex and helped him outside to his car. After sitting him on the seat and strapping him in they all went to seaside. Ariel got out to stretch her legs when Ian called out to her. She went to him and asked him what he needed. I need you to go find my brother Zachary, ask him to meet me outside long enough so that I can get Alex there so he can be next to Addilyn. She leaned over and kissed him before walking inside. Mmm he said. Alex looked up and said for the love of Pete you're about to make me lose my lunch fella. His uncle smiled at him," don't make me bite you again kid." You do he responded and your bmw is not gonna look so pretty cause I will puke all over the upholstery. You do his uncle said and I will rub your nose in it and smack you repeatedly with a rolled up newspaper. At that moment Zachary walked outside with a wheelchair to help Alex inside noticing he looked a little green and pasty. Umm uncle he said before throwing up everywhere, I'm not feeling to good and threw up again. Zachary got close to him and smelled minute traces of heroine still in his system. And took him somewhere where he could get cleaned up and proceeded to go back to the exam room. When Alex got cleaned up his uncle took him to where Addilyn was stretched out and covered up with a warm sheet. He took off his long heavy duster and put it over the sheet keeping her warm.

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