Swimming With The Fishes

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We don't have swimsuits auntie the girls said. Savaria snapped her fingers and swimsuits appeared on them.

Damien looked at her and proceeded to walk in with her. She looked up at him noticing how muscular he was.

Damn Damien you trying to give me multiple heart attacks fella? Well gorgeous the same could be asked of you.

Alex and Gino walked outside and saw the girls playing in the water and decided to join them. When they were done they finished walking to the police station.

As they walked inside she was greeted by Shane. Hello Savaria he said giving her a quick hug and greeted everyone before saying duty calls and went out the door to start the mid shift.

(Meanwhile Back In Wellston) Cheyenne was on the run from Lucas' family who blamed her for his death and remembered the guy who saved her once before.

She called out to him Alexander please help me. (Back in the states) Alexander's head flew up when he heard the girl call out to him for help. Umm I gotta go Bethany. Go where she asked him.

Back to Wellston there is someone I promised to help. You mean the girl from the fair the one that you saved that night? Yes that one.

Wait Savaria said you don't have to go. He looked at her. Well didn't you tell her that if you couldn't save or help her that we could? Yea he said I did tell her that.

Savaria found her minds pathway. Cheyenne that's your name right? Yes she said I'm so scared, and who are you?

My name is Savaria Regal and I need you to listen to and trust me can you do that? Do you know Alexander she asked Savaria? Yes I do, now listen I'm a sorceress who can conjure doorways to other places.

She laughed, this can't be real. Well I'm gonna summon a doorway and you're gonna walk through it, that is if you wanna live sweetie, do you wanna live?

Yes she said I'm tired of running and hiding from these idiots. Savaria used her incantation along with Damien's blood magic to conjure a portal that would pull her through if time was of the essence. Savaria heard gunshots and Cheyenne screamed oh my god Savaria hurry.

In a flash a portal opened up and surrounded her, shielding her from incoming bullets and pulled her into it and delivered her to the other side before disappearing.

She sat there terrified and shaking. Shane made his return to the station and when he walked in he saw a very lovely albeit a terrified woman on the station floor. Savaria helped her up as Shane came over to them.

Who is this lovely creature he asked? My name is Cheyenne Wylde she said as her eyes lit up. Savaria was the match maker of the family and could tell when people were meant to be.

She knew Shane's scent by heart since that time when they first hunted and she rubbed against him while in her animal form. She leaned in close to Cheyenne and smelled his scent on her skin and she smiled at him.

He looked at Savaria, why are you smiling at me like that darlin? Well I never got a chance to tell you brother that when two people are in one place and they belong together I can tell that by scent.

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