Alexanders Arrival At Seaside.

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Shane and Alexander took off in his Ford Mustang arriving minutes later at the address given. They knocked on the door shouting this is the police open up.

When nobody answered they kicked the door in guns drawn. They went through the apt room by room and they kicked that door in seeing a young woman being raped by two men.

Big daddy got off of her and made a jump out the window while there was no place for voss to run to. They pointed their guns at him,

you have exactly zero seconds to move away from her or I will not hesitate for even a second to put a bullet right between your eyes.

Voss got up and Shane slammed him against the wall pulling his arms behind his back and putting handcuffs on him. Hey man I have rights voss said.

Yeah Shane said you do. You have the right to shut the hell up before I do something that I could and would lose my job over.

You have the right to drop dead and have your dick rot and fall off but since that won't happen I think I'll just say that you are under arrest for rape and assault on a female and considering the station you're going to you might not make it out alive.

Fuck you voss said she's nothing but a whore anyway who doesn't deserve to live. Alexander was absolutely livid and punched the dude right in the mouth.

Sorry son of a bitch he said and walked over to the girl who had tears running down her cheek and blood dripping from her mouth.

He knew she needed to go to the hospital but there wasn't anytime. He called out to his aunt for help. What's wrong sweet angel she asked?

I found a young woman who was raped by some thugs and she is injured I think she might be mine but I'm not sure.

Ok Alex get close to her and tell me what being close to her does. Alex leaned in close and touched her face and inhaled her scent.

His mouth started to water and he had a need to take what was his but in the shape she was in if he done that then he was no better then they were.

I want her but if I take her now then I'm just as bad as the ones who done this.

Then bite her Alex help ease her pain and share your blood with her and when you've done that bring her back here and I'll call Zachary and have him come here to help her.

She looked up at Alex and cried, never in her life had she been brutalized like this. Alex held her close and noticed that she tensed up. It's ok Addilyn I swear I won't hurt you,

I only wanna help you if you'll let me. You swear you won't hurt me Alex Regal?

I swear that nobody will ever hurt you again.

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