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Addilyn was the youngest child being only twenty years old where trinity was three years older.

They approached their spot and started working, thankful that they made it on time so they wouldn't get beat up by big daddy.

Damn Trinity said, don't you ever get tired of working the streets and having to give every dime to your pimp?

Yes Addilyn said I'm so sick of this shit I only wish I could find me a real man, someone with looks, money or at least have a job that loves me and keeps me off the streets.

Yeah me too Trinity said I think we deserve better then this crap.

Addilyn looked up, oh shit here comes big daddy look like you're trying to pick someone up.

Trinity bent over showing as much cleavage as she could trying to seduce someone, anyone so she could fuck them and make some money.

Alexander and Lucien had decided to leave their home in Seacliff so they could find their soulmates even if it took till the next century.

He went to talk to Alexander knocking on his bedroom door. Yes Alexander said, it's open. Lucien walked in and sat down on his brothers bed taking the other game controller and the both started to play black ops.

So what's on your mind brother Alexander asked him? Well Lucien said I've been thinking a lot lately about leaving from here.

we've looked everywhere for our soulmates and so far nothing and while I love this town and my family I wanna see the world and see if I can't find that someone who was meant for me.

Well to be perfectly honest Alex replied, I've been thinking the same thing. I mean you see everyone else has someone but us and I'm tired of being alone and lonely.

Question is how are we gonna break the news to mom and dad and everyone else? Maybe we should talk to Aunt Savaria and uncle Damien and see what they think.

I think that might just work lets call them and see. Lucien agreed and picked up the phone dialing his uncles number listening to it ring until he heard his uncles deep and raspy voice answer with hello...ahh hello uncle Damien it's me Lucien.

Hello Lucien he replied, how are you doing? I'm doing great uncle umm the reason I called is because I need your advice. Ok and what can I help you with Luc.

Well I know that you and aunt varia are in the states looking for properties to expand witches brew yeah? Yes we are why? Well Lucien said me and Alexander wanna come out there for a while.

For a visit he asked? Well yeah and we haven't found our soulmates uncle and we thought maybe we could come out and see the sights and maybe stay until we find what we are looking for.

Very well Damien said you know you and your brother are always welcome here. Well another reason I called is how do we break the news to mom and dad? I mean we wanna come back once we've found what we are searching for.

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