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Cheyenne Wylde couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she was finally free from those who wanted to harm her over something that she had nothing to do with.

She looked up to see a man standing close to her. Shane looked at Savaria, how can you be sure that she is mine other then by sense of smell? Ok then sit down here with us Shane and do what I ask you to.

Shane sat down between Savaria and Cheyenne. Now she said what I want you to do is get close to her and describe to me what you feel.

Shane got closer to Cheyenne and put his head near enough where he could smell her skin. His mouth began to water and he pulled his head away to look at his sister before looking back at Cheyenne.

Her eyes became huge and she panicked when she saw his eyes that had become a copper red and his teeth were long and sharp. I uhh what are you she asked him? I'm a vampire he said but don't worry I won't hurt you or bite you or at least not yet.

She looked at the woman who helped her with a puzzled expression. Savaria looked at her and now I want you to get close to him and tell me what you feel.

Cheyenne got close to him putting her head against his chest inhaling his skin. She pulled away but not before placing a delicate kiss on him.

She looked at Savaria and then at him. Well she said what do you feel and what is it that being close makes you wanna do? I wanna stay close to him.

Why Savaria asked? Because I feel safe, like no one could ever hurt me and.... She swallowed the ever growing lump in her throat... I wanna kiss him. Shane was speechless and he blushed.

He lifted her face up to look at him and he kissed her. What is your name he asked her and do you wanna stay with me?

My name she said is Cheyenne Wylde and yes I do and what is your name? My name is Shane Carrington. Well now how do you feel Shane?

Oh I think there's definitely interesting times ahead but for now I'll answer your question with I feel like biting her and keeping her forever.

Woah, what Cheyenne asked? Shane grabbed her hair gently and pulled her close to him. Don't be afraid of me he told her I only want to make you mine.

He turned her head to one side trailing kisses across her face and stopped to nibble on her ear. He kissed her throat before biting her skin tasting the blood that ran across his tongue.

She couldn't control the way her body responded when he bit her and she arched against him getting as close as possible.

He pulled away and spoke the words of power creating a bond that could never be broken asking her for the same and she replied by saying that she gave him everything and anything as long as he would keep her safe.

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