The Brothers Return

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Nicholas and Dante could have used a portal to arrive in Wilmington NC it would have been quicker for them all but their wives wanted to take the flight and see how small everything actually was from so high up.

As the plane landed they got up once the flight attendants told them it was ok to do so. They walked into the airport and over to baggage claim to grab their stuff and decided to grab some grub and do a little shopping.

The girls walked into a dress shop not minding that they were expensive. A young girl was exiting the shop when she ran into Porsche.

I'm so terribly sorry miss my thoughts are elsewhere. The girl looked up when Porsche said its ok sweetie no harm done. Oh my gosh Porsche, Solange how are you guys.

They smiled, Skylar we've missed you cousin. I've missed you too and Savaria speaking of which where is the white haired wonder?

She heard two voices one sweet and gravelly and the other one was deep and raspy. Hello cousin how the hell are you?

Skylar turned around seeing Nicholas and Dante, she ran over to them giving them both hugs. They hugged her back. You here by yourself they asked.

Yeah well not really Jonathon is around here somewhere along with Colton and Henry Lee.

Jonathon was getting a little irritated he had been on the go all day, now while it's true that vampires hardly ever got tired, they still needed a breather now and then and they were very temperamental.

He called out to Skylar. Where are you at shugs I'm hungry. She smiled before saying that's nothing new my love and I'm sitting here with Nicholas and Dante.

You mean they're here too oh hell I gotta see some new faces. He grabbed Colton and Henry and ran to the dress shop. He saw his wife and couldn't resist stealing a kiss from her.

Mmm you delectable woman you. She blushed, hugging her family once more and giving them their address so they could all get together saying love you guys and come see us just make sure you bring Varia and Kaitlyn well just bring everyone.

Will do Dante said and we love you too Skylar they said watching as the others disappeared. Nicholas took out his cell phone and called his sister Savaria.

After several rings she picked up...hello she said. Hello sis we're at the airport can you come get us? Yes Nicholas I will be glad to. Might take me a while though gotta find.....Wait never mind and conjured a door to her home.

Her brother Dante grabbed his brothers phone and said hey sis could you hurry up some? Savaria laughed and said the portal is ready please step through.

Finally Dante said noticing Porsche laughing at him. What's so funny he asked giving her a mean look before laughing as well. Dante smacked her behind, hurry up woman you're so slow.

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