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"Today's the day" I whisper for the 600th time today. I struggle with putting on my pink ball earrings as my hands were shaking immensely. I've been shaking like this for the past week or so. My best friends in the whole wide world are finally coming back from a long tour they have been doing with One Direction. Hmm... not one you here everyday.

Their plane lands in an hour so mum, Jeff and I will be driving down there and pick them up. Michael and Luke coming here of course, while the other guys go visit their families. Well, Luke would be going to his house but, his family went on a vacation whilst he was away.

"Mum are we ready?!" I yell loudly for mum.

"Yes, honey but quite your screaming" She walks in my room and throws the shirt I found of Luke's the night they left, at me.

I catch the shirt by it's collar and hug it tightly to my chest. "Thanks mumma."

We leave to Jeff's car to drive to the airport since it will be thirty minutes or so to actually arrive at the airport.
"Ashley, how much have you saved up?" I hear Jeff ask me over his shoulder. "About 570. I'll get you the 600 I only need 30 more dollars" I say pulling out my purse which had all of the money I saved up for the week. Which was 20 dollars.

After everything was said and done with the boys, Jeff thought it would be fair for me to pay him back for the party I left for the airport. I can't blame him, that was pretty rude after all. Only one more week until I have to work for Mrs. Delilah's house cleaning. She use to pay me less than 20 a week but, she thought I did such a bang up job she bumped it up a few.

"Honey, do you have the 570 on you?" Mum asks from the passenger seat. "No, I gave the rest of the lump to Jeff last night"

She rummages through her purse and hands me a crisp 10 dollar bill. "There you go sweety pie" I give the 30 dollars to Jeff. "Thank you mum!"

Jeff rolls his eyes, "Yeah, thanks mum now she won't have any responsibility's again." He laughs afterward but pats my hands anyway.

"So long Mrs. Delilah"


I message Luke when we get to the airport to see if their still on the flight or not. Almost insantly I got a message back saying that their plane has just landed.

A couple fans waited for them to land. They noticed me and asked for pictures. I always loved interacting with them. They were all so lovely.

I think somewhere in between they stopped waiting because, I saw no more sights of them after they left.

Whilst we wait, we go to this doughnut place in the airport since it's 5:30 in the morning and haven't had anything to munch on yet. "So, how do you think you're going to react when you see Luke?" Mum asks me while Jeff goes to get the food.

"I'll probably start crying I reckon! What about you mum? Are you gonna cry when you see them?" I ask her smiling. "Oh, I'm holding back tears right now"

I laugh and hug her. "Mumma don't cry"

Jeff walks awkwardly over to the table where we were sat. He places our doughnuts by us and runs away far back in the airport. "Mum where is Jeff going?" I ask her taking a fresh bite out of my chocolate filled doughnut.

"I'm not sure sweety" She says nervously but chilled.

Bullshit woman.

I decide to ignore it, I mean what else am I going to do? Run down there with him to investigate? Well, why would I do that my food would get cooled duh.

Mum looks around in the area Jeff ran and smiles.

I feel a cold wave across my face and then two hands press against my eyes. Which were freezing by the way.

"Guess who" I hear as I'm about to turn around. "Oh my gosh Calum!" I yell and hug him tightly. "Do you understand how long I've waited to hear your voice in person?" I ask him kissing all over his face.

He laughs and ruffles with my hair. "I've really missed you Ash." He says genuinely. I smile and let him go from my embrace. "Where are the other guys?" I ask him looking around. "They had to tinkle but I told them seeing Ashley, Jeff and Dana was more important than my pee needs." He says putting his bag down and hugs mum.

"Yeah, yeah. Now tell me the real story" I say turning around to face him.

"How do you know that he's lying?" Mum asks me.

"Oi, because I am" Calum says and laughs. "Ooh doughnuts" He says and takes one.

"You kids haven't been together not five minutes and you're already reading eachother like a book" Mum says shaking her head.

That's so true. We've just got so use to eachother this past year, spending almost everyday together minus them on the tour and everything. We've just grown this bond where we can point out things like that. It's pretty awesome once you think about it. I love our relationships all so much.

"Well, where are they?" I ask him while he swallows the food.

He takes a healthy chug of my milk, burps and then speaks. "That was good. Anyways, the true story is that Ashton went home already, his mum came to pick him up like an hour ago. And Michael and Luke know how much you want that emotional first seeing so they're like practicing how they're going to react."

Ugh boys.

I reprocess what he just said "Wait, back up a few. An hour ago? Luke texted me you guys just landed 30 minutes ago." I say crossing my arms.

"They were practicing!" He says and puts his arm around me and walks towards where Jeff went to get him. "Now don't be mad at him this is your first time seeing him in a long time. He's been excited for this day since the day we arrived in America" He says and shoves me in an empty corridor and runs away.

I roll my eyes and see Michael skipping out of a long skinny hallway and waves.

"Oh my good friend Ashley" He says and hugs me tight, picking me up for a second. "Mikey!" I yell and hug him back just as tight or maybe even more.

I hear a throat clearing and see Luke walking out of the same hallway. He stood there with his batman shirt on, a grey beanie and sweat pants but never looked more beautiful to me. Before he can do anything else I run up to him and hug him. Tighter than I've ever hugged him. Or perhaps anyone.

I start to cry when I finally realize where I am. Who I'm with. I'm with my best friends in the world at an airport who just got back from an American tour with One Direction. I never thought I could say that but I can happily.

"No Ash don't cry you're gonna make me start crying" He whispers to me.

I hear a few sniffles coming from him. He wipes his face when I look up but, that doesn't really make a difference since his eyes are blood shot. "Come on mum and Jeff are waiting" I say taking in his hand tightly.

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