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"Thank you so much Jeff" My head turns to the ground whenever Jeff picks me up from the train station. "No problem sweety. But, Ash.." He turns me around to face him. "You do know everything will get better, yeah?" He asks me. I nod my head. We both knew I wasnt really into the whole 'one day things will get better' thing. Sure everything may be okay tomorrow. Or the next day but, that's not right now. And it's not today because, today fucking sucks.

We walk in silence to his new Range Rover. I slipped in to the passenger seat with the same look I had on my face since yesterday morning. I'm guessing I looked as bad as I felt cause, Jeff handed me a tissue and added, "Just in case your feeling like leaking up a bit."

My fingers laced around the soft tissue but, instead of using it for my future tears, I crumbled it in my hand. How can one small gesture make me so heated you may ask. Well, answer. I wasn't mad a Jeff. No, I was mad at the situation I've been thrown into. Devastation would be an understatement.

My main concern wasn't for me but, for mum. She and Nana were the best of friends. Talked every single day of mum's life leading up to the point of her deceasing.

"Hello?" Jeff answers in his 'business man voice' Not too formal, not too casual. Like he's talking to his boss. I came to call it this, when I figured out that he actually did only use this voice whenever he's talking to the man who's giving him his living.

I see him change his mood within a matter of seconds. He was super pumped it looked but it changed to, depression.

He sighs and hangs the phone up. "Jeff?" My heart started beating faster and faster as it looked like he was about to either go into full tears, or pass out. "I'm um.. I'm just fine doll don't worry" He plasters the fakest of smiles on his face.

I nod my head, not wanting to get into it. I'm just praying he didn't get fired.

"So, how was the tour?" He asks me. Couldn't understand why as I called mum and him every single day  telling them the funny gags, or pity fights that happened for that day. I even sent them little videos I recorded on my phone when we were all goofing off.

"It was an amazing experience but, I could never do what they do all the time." I chuckle a bit. "I was so astonished how they have so much energy day through night"

He laughs along too, "Yeah those boys are very energetic." I nod and was about to respond whenever my phone rings. I read the caller ID 'Lukey'

"I'm just gonna take this" I politely add. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey, I was just seeing if you made it safe" He tells me. "Yeah, I'm in the car with Jeff right now we're about to make it home. What are you guys doing?" I hear him huff. "We're being all bummed. Literally, Calum and Ashton are in the back lounge just staring at the wall listening to sad music" He laughs. "And Michael has been asleep since you left pretty much"

"Oh no, cheer up my boys. I've gotta go we just pulled into the complex but I love you all" I wait for Lucas to respond before hanging up. "Okay, love you too babe."

I say my last bye and hang up. I rub my temples realizing that I'd most likely have to see mum crying. Nothing is worse than watching her cry.

"Some of your family has already arrived but, if you feel like taking a nap then that's fine" Jeff says smiling a bit and tapping my knee. I nod my head and grab my suitcases from the back.

I walk in the house with luckily no one. Not that I don't want to see my family but, because I'm tired and just need a nap.

I tiptoe to my room and slowly open the door. To my surprise mum giving my Aunt and two cousins a 'Ashley's room tour'

"I feel so invaded" I chuckle whilst mum was holding a shirt Luke gave me of his and explaining who Luke even was. "Oh Ash" Mum dropped the shirt on the floor and attacked me in a huge hug. "It's good to see you mum, you alright?" I ask her kissing her cheek. "Oh I'm fine love. Say hi to Aunt Tammy and the girls."

I go to my Aunt Tam and hug her while we both rock back and forth. "I've missed you so much Ash" She says to me. "Me too, it's crazy how long it's been." I smile.

"Emmie, Susan!" I go up to my twin cousins that are my age. "I've missed you two so much"

"Ash, you look so pretty!" Emmie squealed. "As do you sweets"

I hear Jeff open the door, "Dana we need to talk real fast darling" I pout knowing it's probably about the whole phone call situation.

"Okay so, I'm going to have a shower but, I'll come hang out with you girls when I get out" I smile to them and get my black skinny jeans and a black and white pocket tee out.


Please comment and vote it helps me out heaps :D ♥

Have a blessed day !

By the way Emmie and Susan are based on my twin and I

Love you Amber Bamber :)

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