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-Away Text Message-

From: Lukey(murica)

Hey baby, I'm about to go on stage in Houston! Gahhh this crowd is unreal! Miss you bunches love you :-)

To: Lukey(murica)

Oh yay! Have fun, but not too much if ya know what I'm sayin !

From: Lukey(murica)

I don't?

To: Lukey(murica)

Me either. Lol love you!

From: Lukey(murica)

Thanks for making me smile before the show. Love you. :*


I huff and scream through my pillow when I feel my phone go off beside me. It's from Twitter, and it says that someone I follow tweeted me.

The most talked in mentions were if Luke and I are still together. Rumors make me laugh. Some one goes away for two months and all of a sudden they get mass amounts of questions.

I open up the new tweet bar and let my fingers go across the keyboard.

"Rumors oh rumors how you make me giggle. #ItsMyBusiness"

Okay maybe the fans won't like that. Usually they don't when one of the girlfriends from 1D especially mouth off on Twitter. But, I don't care. I'm in a mad state so therefore I will tweet about rumors as much as I well please.

I see on my phone lockscreen that Ashton just tweeted as well.

@Ashton5SOS: "Missing my best mates and it hasn't even been two hours. @AshleyAnn @Luke5SOS @Micheal5SOS @Calum5SOS"

I smile in relif that Ashton has my back.

@AshleyAnn: "@Ashton5SOS Clingy clingy clingy clingy. x :-)"

I laugh to myself imagining Ash's reaction to the tweet.

Luke tweeted him back as well.

@LukeSOS: "@Ashton5SOS @AshleyAnn Come over mate. We can do cuddles. x"

Was that indirected to me? He did tag me in it as well. Maybe the first part was directed towards Ash and the last part was directed to me. Oh well either way I feel bad for fighting with Luke so we must make up.

I bring my small blanket with me and my pillow just in case their wasn't enough on Michael's bed.

I creep in the room excpecting them to be going to bed but, their just on their phones. Typical.

"Room for one more?" I ask causing them to both look up from their phones.

"Of course baby" Luke scoots over next to Michael letting myself squeeze in next to him.

I curl up next to him as he hums in my ear. I recognize the tone of the song 'Asleep' by The Smiths. I told Luke to check the song out whilst he was away so I guess he grew to like it.

He breathes and starts quietly but beautifully singing the song.

" Sing me to sleep

Sing me to sleep I'm tired and I want to go to bed.

Sing me to sleep sing me to sleep and then leave me alone. Don't try to wake me in the morning 'cause I will be gone.Don't feel bad for me I want you to know. Deep in the cell of my heart I will feel so glad to go."

I hold onto his hand tightly while he drapes his free arm around me, putting his chin in my neck.

These are the kind of moments I live for.

I was one of those girls where I never would of guesses anybody would even find me the least bit appealing but here I am.

I turn around towards Luke and hug his sides and bury my head in his chest. "I missed you" I whisper to him.
He smiles and hugs me tighter.

I was half way asleep when a loud crash goes off in the hallway and someone slams through the door.

To my suprise I hear Calum say directly after "Um, I just fell in the hallway."

I feel Calum jump on top of the bed.

My body seeps down until I fall off of the bed, Luke following me. "Christ Calum!" I yell and stand up from the floor.

"Sorry Ashley" He trys to hold back his laughter. Michael didn't seem to mind though.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Ashley broke my fall!" Luke says standing up.

I touch my back, "Yeah while you actually broke my back" I laugh.

"Why are you losers in here sleeping?" Calum asks. "Come on let's go to the cliffs. We haven't been since the day we met Ashley"

I've learned my lesson about going to that deviled place. Never again.

"Dude you're forgetting to remember a cop had to escort us home" Luke says before I get the chance to bring it up.

"I'm up for it" Michael says.

"You guys are nuts" I speak up.

"Let's ask Ashton what he thinks and if he says no we won't but if he says yes then we all go. Agreed?"

I agree just for the pure fact of I highly doubt Ash says yes.


"I fucking hate all of you" I say as we are face to face with the entrance of the death chamber called the Cliffs.

At least Calum was a gentleman about it and let me wear his boots and shirt. He insisted he keep his pants naturally.

They all laugh and head in.

I'm torn because I don't want to be at the front just in case something pops up and I don't want to be in the back because what if someone or something comes from behind me. Therefore I hold Luke's hand in the middle.

"Guys let's go this way it's faster" Calum points his Iphone flashlight to a muddy pathway that had braches and bushes everywhere.

"You sure you've been down here before?" I ask Cal, keeping a tight grip on Lukey's hand.

"Yeah! I know these woods left and right" He struggles to pass through some branches.

After what feels like forever we make it to the cliffs.

"I've never been on this side of the cliffs before" Luke whispers to me.

"Really? What if their are dangerous people living here?" I pull on his arm tightly.

"Honestly there probably are around here" Michael chuckled trying to scare me.

I gasp and huddle closely to Luke. "Calum can we leave?" I ask on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, let's go this place is creepin' me the hell out" Ash states.

"Alright alright. Wait.. Oh fuck"

"What? What happened? Do you see a dead person?" I ask looking around me.

"No... Um well my phone kinda died" He shoves his phone in his pocket. "But it's no problem can I borrow someone else's phone?"

"Luke and I left our's at the house" I speak up first.

"Mine's in my room charging" Ash says next.

We all turn to Michael who takes his phone out but, it too was dead.

Ashton huffs and kicks some rocks around "Fucking fantastic. We're stuck in the middle of the woods with the moon as our only light source."


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