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"You have the smelly farts I've ever whiffed" I explain to Ashton, jokingly when a upper class family glared at us about out conversations of choice.

He giggles, "No no, Michael has the smellier farts of us all. Homeboy smells like he is shitting everytime"

"I concur"

He keeps giggling then looks over past me. Whatever he seen knocked that smile right off his face.

I try to turn around but, get stopped by Ashton grabbing my shoulders.

"Hey, Ash lets go back with Michael yeah?"

I nod my head, "Um, sure" I answer confused. What was with the sudden change in mood?

He grabbed my hand then, rushed me over to Michael who was glaring at the wall, looking mighty angry.

"Can someone explain what's happening please?" I ask when we're sat. "And where's everyone?"

Mikey stops his glare then, looked nervous. "Uh- nothing. I think the guys are in the restroom"

"And your parents are at the bar" Ashton adds. "Actually, I'll be right back to um- see if they want me to drive us home"

I glare at Michael while he chugs his water. "Mikey...."

"Um yeah?"

I grab his arm so he'd finally look me in the eyes. "Spill everything"

-Luke's POV-

"Calum Calum Calum Calum" Brett, Emma and I all chanted as Cal got done with his fifth and final shot.

All the laughs and good times were put to a hault when I saw Ashton marching up to our table.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings, I need to speak with you. Now" He spoke with hatred in his voice.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly.

"I want to know why the actual fuck you left your confused girlfriend for this... this... demon child"

I hear Emma and Brett chuckling behind us.

"Dude, I didn't leave her. Just wanted to have a good time is all. Calum and I both"

Calum shakes his head, "No I was forced into it don't listen to this hooligan he's a mastermind" He said in a joking manner.

"Fine then come explain to your girlfriend who you left for" Ash said crossing his arms.

"Okay I will... Erm- I will later because I'm kinda scared to right now" I chuckle

"You're unbelievable, you fucking know Ashley doesn't like you hanging around her, she brings the worse in everyone"

I roll my eyes then, walk away from them all to go back to our table. I seriously don't understand what's so wrong with Emma. She's cool once you hang out with her more.

Ashley sat listening to Michael talk about God knows what. She seemed pretty upset actually. I wonder what happened.

"Ash?" I ask tapping her shoulder.

She turned around with low eyes, glaring at me. I know this look oh so well. It's the I'm going to stab you in the next minute if you dont leave me alone face.

She stood up in front of me, I really thought she'd slap me but instead she slid past me calmly and walked in the direction of where Emma is.

This could go two ways. 1)Badly or 2)Super duper mega badly. I'm going with the second one.

Michael shoves past me as well with more force than I would of liked him to use.

I run past the corner where I saw Ashley approaching Emma's table. She stood near Ashton who looked as if he just got done yelling at one of them.

I ran fast enough to see Ash say "The next time I catch you associating with my boyfriend, it wont be pretty."

Emma smirked at her like she wasn't intimidated at all. "Maybe if you'd get him off the leash more often and actually have a fun time then, you wouldn't need me to worry about"

Just by the way Ashley looked I could tell she was absolutely done. She wanted to slap her silly but she couldn't. She wanted to cuss her out and tell her off but she's way more classy than that.

Instead, she turned around and walked away. Tearing up from anger and self control. You could see in her eyes how badly it hurt for her to see me be with Emma. That look killed me, and it was all my fault.


-Ashley's POV-

After my shower was finished I put my black shorts and white Twenty One Pilots shirt on then crawled into bed for a tunes session.

"This fucking song" I say to myself when 'If I Were a Boy' by Beyonce came on my shuffle.

That happens to me more than it should. I listen to music when I'm upset and it seems like everytime a song comes on that relates to my situation.

Of course, this doesn't stop me from belting out the lyrics and cry in my pillow.

"If I were a boy

I think I could understand

How it feels to love a girl

I swear I'd be a better man.

I'd listen to her

'Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted

'Cause he's taken you for granted

And everything you had got destroyed"

There I laid, curled in a ball on my bed wishing I could just stop being so jealous for a second but, realize I'm just that way. I know I'll never get over Luke talking to girls, and that's my own bad. But of all the girls it's Emma. The literal reason of our first fight when he chose to go to her party.

She was right though. Luke is like my little puppet and it sucks that he ever feels that way.

I need to loosen up a bit, go to parties, fucking drink or whatever do something that proves I'm fun and rebellious.

If you want a party in this neighborhood there's only one person to call.

Call- C.J.

"Hey Ash" CJ spoke "How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks. When's your next party?" I ask cutting to the chase.

"Uh- tomorrow probably. Why? Are parties even your thing?"

"Psh, yeah I party all the time" I lie. I didn't want him to think I was a complete loser.

"Okay, that's a story to believe" He chuckled. "But, you should totally come it's going to be stellar"


"Yeah it should be fun. Gotta go I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, text me if you'll come or not"

I chuckle then hang up. Time to tell the boys the news.




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