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three days earlier

I reapply my red lip stick before we go out to Jeff's car. When I slide in the car I ask what's been boggling my mind forever "Mum, why didn't we just have the funeral in London..." I unlock my phone to see if Luke has texted me. I'm not very suprised to see he didn't, he's probably sleeping right now anyways. Around this time we were all out like a light. "Because, Nana said since, I'm her first daughter where ever I am on this Earth is where she wants to be buried. But, Tammy got Nana's gorgeous house so, I'm not sure she got robbed any" She tells me. "What about Uncle Kitt" I ask referring to her younger brother. Mum doesn't really care for him since, he's been doing really heavy shit for like 20 years. He's only 38.

She rolls her eyes, "Kitt has mum's cars. She hasn't driven any of them in years so they are good mileage and decent models." Jeff huffs out "Man, when you said your mother was loaded you were not kidding" We all were open mouthed when we saw the funeral home Nana picked out for herself. Yes, picked out for herself, like me, she was a very specific person. When we moved to Sydney mum said she knew exactly where she wanted to be buried.

"I feel as though I'm too dressed down for this place" I get out and dust myself off from any fuzz or hair that clinged to the black. "This place is.." Jeff trys to bounce around words but cannot find one. A perfect one jumps to my head so without thinking I just finish his sentence with "bitchin" He nods his head. "Exactly out of my mouth" Mum gasps. "Ash no swearing and Jeff no encouraging her"

Jeff nods, "Sorry sweety" He puts his arm around her and fist bumps me. I laugh while walking into the fortress of a building.

It was just as beautiful in the inside as it was from the outside. Everything was very white. The walls, furniture, chandelier, everything. I was blown back at the sight. I feel arms around me, I turn around to see my cousin Colton and his older sister Skylynn.

"Colton! Skye!" I exclaim and give them each a hug. "How was the flight over here?" I ask them sitting on the very comfortable sofa. "It was exhausting. I dunno how you can handle it" Skylynn rubs her temples. "I still hate it honestly. But, you gotta do what you gotta do I guess" I laugh. "But, Colton you've gotten so big since I saw you last. You're twelve right?" I ask him. "Yeah, I'm turning thirteen next month" He says smiling wide. "Oh gosh, last I saw you, you were only nine yeah? Time flies by"

Skylynn nods, "It does. I'm already about to start university. Are you going to start soon?" She asks me. "Yeah, I hope to. I had my heart set on one in London but, I think I'm going to stay in Australia" I sip on a drink a waiter served to me while I was talking. A sophisticated joint like this and I'm sipping on rootbeer. "Oh bummer, we've missed you guys being in London" She frowns. "I did at first too but, you know I made the best of friends down here. I can't even think of leaving them." I check my phone again speaking of the guys and see a text from Clifforis. "I'll be right back guys"

I press the call button, I needed to talk to at least one of them to get through this day. They always know how to make me smile whenever I'm feeling a frown.

"Hello?" Michael asks groggy. "Hey Mikey, what are you doing?" I ask him slipping into a dark room. "I just woke up, what about you?" I sigh, "Im at Nana's funeral." He yawns, "I'm so sorry Ash. I wish I was there for you guys. You better believe all of us would be there holding your hand right now" He says more awake. "I know. You guys are the best of mates. I've never had more true friends. Thank you" I wipe the tears from my face. "No thank you. We're so happy you're basically our little sister. Besides Luke of course cos that'd be quite weird." He laughs.

There's the smile they always know how to plaster on my face. "You're so silly. I have to go I think reception's about to start." I say looking out from the door and see everyone moving towards the pews. "Okay, love you" He says. "Love you guys more. Kisses" I hang up and go with the crowd to sit next to Colton.

The priest starts babbling on about Jesus which really torks me off. Not for talking about the Lord but, because we are at my Nana's funeral and I expect to hear of my Nana.

"If anyone would like to share a memory, or just to talk about Grace you can do so at this time." He says and sits down.

I see nobody hurrying to say something so I stand up.

I go to the stand and try to think of a memory I'll never forget about Nana. "Whenever I was younger, I remember sitting in Nana's lap while sucking on my pacifier. Need I remind you, I was eight." The whole room starts to chuckle a bit "Now, I had a horrible pacifier habit no matter where mum would hide it I'd always end up finding it in someway. One day I was sitting on Nana's lap sucking on it and right before me she took it out of my mouth, cleaned it off, then stuck it in her mouth after smoking a cigarette. It may sound disgusting now, but I didn't suck on a pacifier after that."

I finish my story and walk back to my seat. The whole room starts to clap and more people start standing up to talk about her. Some stories were funny, some sad, but all made me smile.

"Rest in peace Grace" The priest says and just like that the funeral is over.


Sorry it was posted late I coulda sworn I put it up but I guess my eyes were just tricking me aha. x

this chapter might of been boring but next chapter will be good I hope! more exciting things to come. Love you

         xx Ash

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