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"Mikey?" I ask again when I entered the dressing room. "Okay guys, let me go it alone. I think I can help get talk to him without making him feel ganged up on"

Luke gasped, "Ashhole! This is a Lashley mission.. What would you be without the 'L'?" He asked

"I'd be Ashley" I said chuckling along with Jules.

"Fine" He huffed crossing his arms.

I walked in to where Michael had been hanging around at for the past thirty minutes, the corner with the best WIFI, you guessed it.

"Mikeswizzle!" I say gleefully when I saw him scrolling through his indirects on Twitter. "Ashdizzle! Long time no see, buddy" He said jokingly.

I chuckled then plopped down next to him. "Can I talk to you about something?" I asked him

"Of course. What's troubling you, little nugget?"

"What are your feelings towards Julie? She thinks you hate her"

He softened his face, "Wait, she does? Those weren't my intentions, I need to tell her that" He says about to get up but, I sit him back down.

"You didn't answer my question"

He sighed then ran his fingers through his bright red hair. "I don't know... its hard to explain like, I love spending time with her but whenever she's around I feel like im going to puke... I mean it isn't her fault, she just makes me so nervous"
"No fucking way" I chuckle slightly. "No fucking way, what?" Michael asks chuckling too.

"You like Jules, Mikey! Duh, how could you be such a guy!"

"You're right.. I do.. that's the trouble though" He took a deep breath then, frowned.

"Trouble? What trouble?"

"I like her lots but, I can't be myself around her.. I get too nervous and I turn into a total awkward doofus.. Oh my God I'm turning into Luke"

I laugh at his comment about Luke then, stop when he gives me with a 'fuck you' look.

"Sorry, thought the Luke thing was a joke" I get the giggles out of me by focusing what's really important here. Our mission. "I have a solution to your problem.. Go up to Jules, take her to a place where nobody is, and tell her how you feel"

"Thought the last part was going to take an unexpected turn, you could say I got.. thrown into a loop" Michael said cracking a joke which, my guess is he's gonna take my advice.

"You do realize, Harry is on this tour so 'Person with Bad Jokes' is already taken" I say giggling.

"Ashley Ann, speaking of someone else behind their backs? Scandalous"

"Michael Gordon, not speaking to someone at all 'cause you've got butterflies? Even more scandalous"

He pouted then wrapped his arm around me. "You're a good sister and friend you know"

"Nah, I'm not that great.. You know who's great and is waiting for you though?"

He smiled, "You can never take a compliment can you?"

I smirk then, stand up with him. "Go talk to her, you silly goose"

He walked towards the door then, gave me a thumbs up before opening it. They grow up so fast.

I stayed in the dressing rooms with Luke while Julie did his quiff for our photo shoot then interview.

Harry rushed in the doors. "Ashley Ann!" I hide behind Luke cause he didn't seem very excited. "MICHAEL TOLD ME" he yelled running out of the room then down the hallway still looking for me.

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