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I look out of the window trying to make sense of things. First, Ashley and the guys act weird around me. I ask... plead them to tell me what they're keeping hidden but, they wont budge. They just won't. I mean, I know they're not saying something but, why would any of them keep something from me? I think we're all close enough to not keep shit from eachother. Or, so I thought.

Second, Jeff & Dana have been fighting constantly. Not little petty fights about who misplaced the car keys im talking full on "I wish we never did this whole marriage thing"

We all try to ignore the path they're leading to but, I know none of us are actually getting our hopes up. If worst comes to worst we all might lose Ash and Dana. That's definitely not what we want but, that's what's on the table.

We finally make it to Ashley's house, a 5 minute quick drive felt like a 5 hour drive. Ashton pats on my leg taking me out of my trance. "Come on then mate"

Ashley messaged us to come see her urgently but, we didn't know why. She hadn't responded back, which scared us so we went as fast as we could in a residential area.

Without knocking, I fling the door open and run straight to Ashley's room. I knew she'd be in there, as that's where I find her when there's something that's too much for her to handle. "Ashley?" I open the door lightly, not wanting to frighten her. "Ash?" I say again when there's no answer. I see her on her bed listening to headphones. She spots me and stands up wiping her puffy eyes. I run up to her and sling my arms around her, "What's wrong?" I ask looking in her eyes. "There has been something I neglected to tell you. I need all the boys in here for this." She coughs out. "Okay I'll go get them." I almost leave her, but she grabs my arm. "No, they're coming"

She lets go of my arm, and keeps to her bed. "You can come sit or you know you don't have to.." She tries her hardest to spark conversation. "No, I'll sit with you babe" I move to the edge of her bed. "Where's Dana and Jeff?" It was Sunday since, they work at the same office they have the same days off and work days. Sundays are the days they get off.

"They are at the store. Or I don't believe that, but that's what they told me" She says looking at the door waiting for the boys to show. "Why don't you believe them?" I ask. "They seemed really sketchy.. Like they had a secret hidden" She regretted her words as soon as they were spoke. A gust of anger shoots through my body, "Yeah... I know the feeling" I look away from her and to the door so we didn't have to do the whole awkward looking at eachother that happens in these types of situation.

Suddenly a spark of luck ignites and the boys walk in luckily, so I wouldn't have to do a weird 'im gonna stare at the door for five minutes'

Ash, Michael and Calum didn't quite know what they were coming in for, hell I didn't even know, until I saw the looks on their faces that they were most likely about to have to talk about what's been keeping them from being able to even look me in the eye properly anymore. I couldn't shake this feeling that I knew exactly what they know they know that I don't..

-Ashley's POV-

The conversation that mum and I had kept resting in my head. I told the other boys about it but, non of us have the heart to tell Luke. Mum assured me that her and Jeff were not getting a divorce, even though that's what it seemed like but, that Jeff was getting relocated again. It wasn't that I was moving away but, all of four were moving away.Including Michael.

The reason mum and Jeff keep fighting is because, Jeff wants to let us either keep the house and mum & Jeff leave to London or to buy us an apartment and let us pay the rent. Mum wasn't too keen of this idea. She doesn't want me to stay here in Australia with out her which, I do understand but, it's time for me to grow my wings and fly away from the nest.

I texted the guys to come urgently. I needed to tell Luke what we've been keeping from him. It was about time to come clean.

I get a phone call from mum, "Hello?" I answer. "Ash.. I need to ask you something darling. Please answer from your brain. Not your heart." Her voice was shaky like she'd been crying. "Okay mum. I'll try my best" I can't promise her anything. It depends on the question. "I'll take it.. Do you feel safe around the boys.. Like they'd be able to protect you, and care for you?" She asks. I already knew the answer to that question it was obvious. "Mum that's a no brainer" I say almost immediately. "You didn't answer my question" She huffs. "Yes ma'am. I do. I do a lot actually." I hear her sigh, "And you'd want to live with them if you had the chance?" She asks. "Yes ma'am. We've already planned on moving in together." I smile at the thought of moving in with my best friends. It'll be the life. "Thank you sweety. We'll be home later. Love you." She sounded disappointed. Like I'd let her down. But, that's not my fault she asked for truth and that's what she got.

I plug my head phones in listening to the happiest music I could to keep my mind off of the fact I might have to leave my boys. I have nothing left in London. I don't even talk to Megan anymore. We haven't spoken in at least a month.

I look over and see Luke looking at me like he'd just seen a ghost. Not even noticing I was crying, and that was probably the reason why he looked like that. I wiped my eyes so he wouldnt worry. The next thing I know his arms are around me. "What's wrong?" He asks me like the protective person he is. I look in his eyes, trying to hide all my emotions. Mainly, cause I didn't know what emotions I was feeling. "There has been something I neglected to tell you" I sigh "I need all the boys in here for this"

While we wait for the boys, we small talked awkwardly. He knows we're hiding something and I can tell he's pissed. That explains his attitude towards us.

The guys finally come in. I give them a look of we're in deep shit. They knew exactly why too. We had to come clean to Lucas. Its only fair.

"Boys, you're all here" I was the first one to speak. "Please, sit" I force a smile.

Michael came to sit by me and Luke. "So, Ash what's up? I heard you needed us" He says winking at me.

I smirk at how much of a loser he was. "Yes I do. Um, I don't really know how to come out with this.. I tried to think of it all night but-" I was cut off mid sentence by Luke "Ash, out with it im turning grey" He chuckles.

I nod my head, "Sorry, sorry. Luke.. The guys and I have been keeping something from you."

He looks at me with a confused face. Michael taps my arm. "Yeah, man we're sorry we just didn't know how to tell you" He says backing me up. "What is it?" Luke asks clearly pissed.

"Mum told me the other day that, we have to move back to London" I spit out. "Not just me though.. Mikey too" I look over to Michael since, even he didn't know that last bit. He looks away to the other guys until we're all just exchanging glances.

"I should of been the first damn person you told" Luke looks directly at me. "I know Luke, you have to understand I wanted to-" Once again I get cut off by him. "Then why didn't you?" He tries not to yell but, it comes out very loud. "I'm gonna go.." Cal stands up with Ashton. "Sit your asses down!" I yell to them. They sit down quicker than I've ever seen them move.

"Ash, I tell you everything why don't you?" Luke asks more calm. "Because, I knew you'd be upset and do you think I wanted that?" I yell to him. "How do you think I fucking feel now?" He yells back. "Maybe I should just tell mum that I do wanna go with her!" I scream. "Wait we have an opinion?" Michael asks. I nod my head keeping my eyes locked with Luke's. Luke stops before he says anything then, says in a more sad tone. "Maybe you should" He stands up and walks out.

I storm out with him, "So that's it? You're giving up that easy?" I ask stopping him by the front door. "You made your decision and I made mine." He grabs his jacket and throws it on. "So.. you're breaking up with me?" I tear up but, force no tears to fall. "No.. you broke up with me when you decided you were thinking of leaving me." He plainly chokes out and leaves.


Omfg two chapters in a row, I swear im the worst person im sorry!!


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