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-Away Tweets-

@Ashton5SOS: "Saw a girl in the front row who looked like my little chickadoo. Made me a bit upset. @AshleyAnn"

@Luke5SOS: "@Ashton5SOS @AshleyAnn I saw her too!! Blew a kiss to her at one point ha"

@AshleyAnn: "@Luke5SOS @Ashton5SOS this didn't emotionally scar me... :'( Sad Ashley is sad."

@Luke5SOS: "@AshleyAnn @Ashton5SOS #sadtweets"



"I'm gonna have a panic attack" I say tapping my chest.

Luke sits me down on a rock, "Breathe baby. We'll figure this out"

"I have an idea!" Ashton says pointing his index finger up.

"Please make it a good one" I plead.

"Trust me it is! Okay does anybody know where we came from? And the way back?"

I run my hands through my hair and shake my head.

"I can figure it out!" Calum points out

"Alright all we have to do is all hold hands so one of us doesn't get lost and then let Calum lead us"

Michael scoffs, "That's how we got in this position. I'm sure he wasn't even sure where we were going."

I jump up and stop Calum from defending himself by putting my hand over his mouth.

"Guys we won't get anywhere with fighting. It's worth trying yeah?" I ask them

"You're right" Calum says in an annoying tone.

"Alright now everyone grasp hands and let's get the fuck out of here" Ashton grabs my hand while I grab Luke's. Michael tags along in the back.
We walk far into the woods until we hit a road. "For fucks sakes this isn't even the right road" Michael yells

"But now we have street lights to lead us back home" Calum points at the street lights that circled the area.

"Dudes do you know what road this is?" Luke says pointing to a sign that none of us could read because of the darkness. "Remember that place my mum use to take us to jam out at a lot.. um Daisy Hills Park I think? This road is the one we use to take leading to it"

I shout yes, since we can't be that far from home. I mean if it's recognizable we must still be in the complex.

We run down to the park to sit down for a bit since it's been a hell of a night. And also to see if someone could help us but I highly doubt someone will be here at midnight.

We walk around the swings until Calum points out their are reddish looking lights coming from the kids play area.

We go to the jungle gym to see if there's a small fire burning which is what I think but no... No it couldn't be a fire why would it be a fire when there's about three guys smoking pot underneath the jungle gym.

I scoff at the horrid smell and hold my nose.

"Can I help you or something?" One kid with sloppy hair and a beard asks. He looked like a douche but, he had a pretty cool stache.

"Um actually we're trying to get back home. Do you know where Huffington Cross is?" Ashton asks him.

"Yeah I do. I live there actually" Another one says with an even more awesome stache. I feel like if there were leaders in this group he'd be the alpha.

"Oh awesome can you give us directions? My mum use to drive us here when we were a bit younger but I don't have any idea how to get back"

The guy flips his beanie on and climbs out from underneath the playground toy. "I'm CJ, CJ Thomas" He turns around to the other two goons and points at the one with the sweet stache. "Omar" He points to the smaller looking kid that was leaned against the wood. "And that's Little Davy"

I shake each one of their hands. Probably a bad idea considering they were just smoking marijuana.

"I'm Ashley; That's Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke" I point at all of the boys.

CJ walks forward to where I can get a closer look at his outfit. Not too shabby actually. Black vans, a SWS shirt on and a pair of black skinny jeans. They actually all had a pretty cool style.

I feel hot breathe on my neck and hear a whisper in my ear. "Are we gonna trust these guys?" I come to realize it's Luke from his body language towards me.

"Yes! I mean they aren't that bad. Sure they may be higher than the clouds but, they weren't excpecting us you know?" I tell him

I feel him let go of my shoulders and sigh. Attitude with this kid.

CJ and his buddy's walk us until I can see the street we live on.

"Alright this is our stop" Calum says trying to shake his hand but CJ just turns it into a fist bump.

"Thanks for the help guys!" Ashton walks ahead with Michael.

"No problem. So I'll see you guys around?" He asks me.

"Yeah, for sure. Come by anytime." I wave to them and walk with Lukey and Calum.

We were halfway down the street when I hear Luke say, "Come by anytime" In my voice. Or what he thought my voice sounded like I guess.

I shove him over with my elbow laughing. "Dick"

When we get to the house I breathe deeply. That was the scariest shit I've ever had to deal with. And yes even the whole cop scene didn't actually make me wet myself.

-Luke's POV-

I hear someone creep in Mike's room while I'm laying down and rub my back. Surely it's Ashley.

I turn around to give her a hug but, see Dana smiling at me. "Hey Lukey, sorry to interupt but, I was just coming up here to check on you I haven't heard from you in awhile."

I nod my head, "Yeah, yeah I'm doing fine"

She nods and gets up. Before she leaves she turns around, "So in your opinion do you think I should let Ashley go with you? I mean, I know you obviously want her to go but, do you think it's a good idea for her to be out there with you guys?"

I think about the question. Not for along time though since I've been thinking of it ever since she was invited to go. I've been out on the road, I know what happens out there. I really don't want to put her through all of that.

"I don't know. I do want her to go but, I think it'd be best if I speak to her about it."

Dana nods. "Alright. Have a nice night now. Love you"

I smile at her with a wide grin. She leaves the room whilst I pick up my phone to call Ashley.

I scroll down to the b's in my contacts and click the one that says 'Baby'

I press call and hear her voice at the other end.


"Hey baby, it's me. Where are you?"

"I'm hanging out with CJ, and the boys outside"


"Yeah the guy from the park"

"Oh, why wasn't I invites to this little gathering?"

"Lucas stop being immature. You told me you were laying down now what did you call me for?"

"We need to talk"

"Okay about what?"

"Just come here please"



As you can probably tell, I made up the names of the park & the street soooooo yeah that's a thing :)

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