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I wake up from a nudge on my shoulder. I squint up to Luke, who was looking down at me. For a second I forgot where I was but then I remember we were on a bus to our next destination. Luke sat by the window, Me in the middle and Ashton right beside me. Behind us sat Mikey by the window, Jules in the middle then Calum beside her.

I focus my attention on Luke who started to whipser, seeing as we were the only ones on the bus who were awake. "I'm bored"

I squint my eyes at him, "Is that the only reason you woke me up?" I whisper back then curl my hands up to my chest along with my blanket.

"Yeah, pretty much" He chuckled quietly then took his phone out of his lap. "Do you want to keek?"

"Those losers are sleeping" I said pointing behind me.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Oh please, they had plenty of sleep last night" He brought the keek app up but, sat there for a second thinking of what we can do. "We can make multiple, I guess"

lashley keek #1- the plan

I cuddled by Luke's side so I was shown in the video.

"Hey guys, we're boreeed" luke said dragging out 'bored' "what is there to do on a bus full of six people, Ash?"

I look up at him, "you could dance for us" I say laughing.

He shook his head, "Not even you could make me stand up right now and dance" He said chucking as well.

The video ended.

It took some convincing but, Luke finally agreed to dance for the fans but "strictly for their enjoyment"

lashley keek #2- conquering the plan

Luke stood in the middle of the bus and stood there awkwardly until he finally, started to 'pole dance' with the seat pole.

He moved on from his day job to go grind his ass on the back of Calums seat. I couldn't help but die in a fit of laughter which made Ashton and Calum both wake up.

Calum turned around then quickly turned his head straight again then softly spoke, "have some respect for yourself mate"


Jules and I ran quickly towards the guys dressing room since about six girls were chasing us trying to find the guys.

Julie fell on the ground by the bathrooms. I rushed towards her so I can help her up to which she dramatically yelled, "Go to safety, save yourself!"

I shook my head, "No man left behind Jules, number one rule of being chased"

I heard a distant, "Go around the corner" from the girls chasing us. I pick Jules up and throw her arm around my shoulder then, slip into the men's room.

"Men's room... Good one they won't find us in here" Jules panted

I hold my side then get a napkin to wipe my forehead. "That's.. Never happened to me before" I said calming down a bit.

"How far did we even run?" She asked but then, grabbed my shoulders before I could answer, "DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE WAY BACK?"

"Calm down Jules, this isn't a problem. We can call one of the boys to get us" I said pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I went on my Recent Calls list then clicked Ashton's icon. He would be the one to get us out of a rut.

"Hey where are you guys? The 1D boys just got here they want to see you" He asked as soon as the first rang stopped.

"We're in a men's bathroom.. on the other side of the arena and we kinda sorta lost our way back" I said biting the inside of my cheek.

"How the fuck- you know what, you can just tell me when I find you" He said chuckling. "Wait actually, I'm going to send Michael and Luke cause Calum and I are about to get fitted for wardrobe"

I sigh, "You're going to put our rescue in the hands of them two?"

"Sorry Ash, I gotta go. They'll come right for you, I promise."

Before I could protest he hung up. Moments later, I get a text of a picture that Michael sent me of him and Luke looking majesticly in the distance with towels around their necks with the caption "Did somebody order.. Superheros?!"

"We're doomed" Jules sighed, shaking her head.

"You're catching on" I say chuckling.

I heard a knock on the door then someone kicking it open. If you couldn't of already guessed it was Michael.

"Any damsels in distress here?" Luke asked placing his hands on his hips then, looked in the distance again. 

I run towards Luke and hug him tightly. "We thought we were going to die" I said fake crying.

We explained every excruciating and dramatic detail of how we came to run five miles nonstop. Those girls were relentless.

When we walked out I saw two golf carts parked outside of the restrooms.

"You're riding this and it took you twenty minutes?" Julie asked them laughing

"Do you know how many bathrooms we checked? You're lucky you weren't in there until next week" Michael said chuckling.

"And plus superheros have to tinkle too" Luke added. Michael pointed at him, "That is right my man"

He jumped into the golf cart with Jules then, started it up. "Catch ya on the flipside" then spun away.

Luke and I took off fast too seeing as they only had limited amount of time before they needed to get on stage.

Everything was going smoothly until the girls that were chasing us spotted Luke and I then chased us down again. It wasn't that bad since we were now in a moving vehicle though.

"This stuff scares me" Luke said to me looking worried.

"You shouldn't worry, this is why you have security" I reassured him

"No, im not worried for me, I mean for you and Jules. No one should be so scared they have to run away from girls and hide out in a men's restroom"

I look back then bite the inside of my cheek when I don't see them anymore. "It was our faults for wondering off.."









hi jules, love you!

julie- lemmingsshuke

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