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I hear a knock on the door. "Ashley" I smile to myself. I get up out of bed with all my power and race to the door. I open it and see her standing there with a big box of pizza and a bag full of things. "I had a shopping trip" She laughs and puts the pizza and bag on a table.

I smile and let her in. "So that's why you took so long" I joke. She nods and puts her arms around my neck. "I missed you" She kisses me. "I missed you more" I pull back from the kiss.

She steps away from me, "Luke what's wrong?" She picks the bag up. "I just don't want to get you sick is all" I frown and wipe the sniffles away from my nose with my jumper sleeve. "Allergies?" She asks me rummaging through the bag. I nod my head and take the medicine tablets with a water on the table.

"How'd you know I didn't already take medicine?" I ask sitting down. "Cause I know you. I also know that you wouldn't of dare told anyone here you were sick." She smirks. "You're just so clever aren't you?" I ask holding her close to me by her hips. "Obviously do you know who I am" She laughs.

I shiver from the cold gust of wind coming from the door. "Oh shit" She mutters and shuts the door. "Here let's go upstairs" She says holding my hand. "Okay babe" I say. She grabs the bag and pizza before, we went up.

I walk in front of her to my room. "I already have a cuddle day set up for us" I open my door and see a smile spread across her face. I cleaned up my room a bit for this occasion. I layed out my best white sheeting, and made a fort covering my bed and TV so we can have our own private theater. Pretty romantic if you ask me.

"Netflix?" She asks me, probably wondering why my PlayStation was running. "But of course" I grin. "How lovely Lucas." She returns the grin. We stare at eachother, kinda awkwardly as neither of us knew what the next step was. "Frick I forgot the pizza" She laughs walking towards the door. I stop her, "Make yourself comfortable I'll get us some drinks and the pizza"


-Ashley's POV-

I shiver in Luke's bed, wondering how I wasn't frozen by now. His room seemed even more cold than it was outside. He came back with the Pizza in one hand and a huge bottle of apple juice and two cups in the other.

"You pick the first movie you want to watch." He scrolls through the categories. "How about.... ooh stop there!" I point to the romantic category. "Titanic" I say smiley. "Titanic? I dunno.. I've never watched it." He looks down at the blanket. I gasp out loud. "Lucas Robert Hemmings. You're a Titanic virgin?" I keep my mouth wide open.
"Well yeah, I just never got around to watch it" He smiles awkwardly. "Luke do you know what this means?" I ask him getting giddy. He sighs, "I'm about to lose my virginity aren't I?"

I nod, "Yes, yes you are. Now pour yourself a cup of apple juice, click play and cuddle the frick out of me"

"I can surely do that" He pours both of us a glass of well deserved juice and began the film.

One box of pizza, bottle of apple juice, tears (from Luke), cuddles and one sexy '97 Leonardo DiCaprio later, we finally finished the film.

Okay okay, I'll admit I cried a few times too. But how could you not everytime I even hear the music I bust out into tears.

"Well......" I trail off to see his opinion on the film still wiping away my tears. He nods his head, "It was good, I kinda wanna loose my virginity to a lot of movies now" He smirks "Yeah but that would make you a slut, always stay classy not trashy" I laugh "You're absolutely right" He laughs too "But, seriously thank you for requesting it. And I'd also like to add that I wasnt crying it was my allergies I guess the medicine didn't work so.." He trailed off. "Lukey I wont tell the boys" I laugh. He nods "Thank you that'd be appreciated"

I check my phone since I hadn't checked it all movie. I go on Instagram to take a quick picture for the followers. They'd been asking one with Luke and I but I just never got around to it.

I fix my hair through my camera, and ask Luke to come in the shot. It was the perfect scenery. I snap a quick photo of Luke kissing my cheek and me puffing out my cheeks.

I type in the caption:

'luke's no longer a Titanic virgin. #wediditguys @luke_is_a_penguin'

I instantly get comments filled with questions like "did he cry?" and "tell him to follow me" you know the usual response.

I don't know why but, everyone started freaking shit when they saw he was following me saying they had him first and what not. These are one of the reasons I don't get on Instagram a lot, or any social media for that matter.

Luke knows this is the reason and tries his hardest to ignore everything being said. He was talking to Michael about a nasty rumor about me going around the 5sos fam, that I supposedly sent them nudes and that's why im close with them.

I don't really mind as much as he does. As long as I know that isn't the case I could care less what anyone thinks.

Luke knocks me out of my trance when his phone went in my face. Whenever I notice it was his camera I make a silly face, while he made a pouty face.

"What's the perfect caption for this perfect picture?" He taps his chin. "I know" He puts his little thumbs to action writing the 'perfect caption'

The new Instagram notification pops up on my screen. I click the icon and see the picture of the two of us. "That is a perfect caption" I kiss his cheek.

'perfect day with my perfect chickadoo @ash_deak'

The rest of the day was spent laughing, arguing about the smallest things, making up, making out, and watching Netflix.

At 7:00 we walked back to my place after our romantic sunset watching. The dark scares me, so luckily I have a strong muscle machine with me to fight off the deadly dark.

I open the door and shout "we're home" to anyone who actually gave a tick. "Guess Mikey and the boys went somewhere else" I shrug to Luke as we walk up the stairs. I hear yelling coming from downstairs. I hear mum's voice. "Mum and Jeff are at it again" I mumble to myself.

We walk into Mikey's room and see all the boys playing video games, minus Ashton who was listening to music. Michael and Calum on the other hand had their headphones plugged into the PlayStation.

Ashton noticed us but, the other boys were still oblivious of our presence. "Mikey!" I yell to him. "Calum" Luke yells too clapping his hand in his face. Cal jumps up but smiles when he sees us. "Oh its just you guys. Thought I was gonna have to fight off a villian" He laughs.. "Calm down Karate Kid" I joke "What are mum and Jeff on about?" I ask him.

Michael shakes his head, "I have no idea but, that's the reason we all have our headphones in. I'm actually happy you guys came when the fighting calmed down a bit"

I nod, "Well it sounds pretty quiet now"As soon as I said that I heard mum yell "Stop being a bloody ass wipe!"

I run out to see if everything was alright but, Jeff just stormed out of the house. Probably going to a pub like he does when stress gets the best of him.

I follow mum to her room. "Is everything alright?" I ask her staying by the door frame just in case she yells for me to leave. "Um yeah baby don't worry about it we're fine" She wipes the tears from her face.

"I'm not fresh out of the womb there's obviously something going on" I slightly laugh to rise the mood a bit.

"Okay honey do you want the truth?" She asks sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Please that's all I want" I plead

She takes a deep breath and goes up to me. Her hands grapsed my shoulders "We have to go back to London"


say woooot?

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