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I sigh deeply when Luke runs upstairs.

I can't go swimming.

The only bathing suits I have are bikinis from back in my thinner days. I'll be humiliated if they see me in one of those.

Although, I do have one that Megan left over when she last visited us.

I go upstairs and pick out the closest thing I can think of that wont expose me as a whale.

Luke walks in with his suit on and a big floaty tube.

"Babe? You almost ready?"

I nod my head and put my hair up in a messy bun.

I grab my sunglasses off the night stand along with my cover up, that I bought a year ago but never used.

"Luke... could you like... turn around or something?" I ask turning one of my fingers in circles.

When he turns around confused, I put the cover up on along with my sunglasses.

"Okay?" He asks when I walk past him out of my room.


"Ash aren't you gonna come in?" Calum asked me.

"Uh, no not right now..." I look back at the magazine that I brought with me.

Coincidentally, I was reading an article about a lady who lost weight by some fruit in a week.

As I'm reading I see Luke at the corner of my eye sitting next to me, soaking wet.

"Ash.. I know something's up. Don't try to deny it, just tell me it'll be a whole lot easier."

I sigh and put down the magazine. "I just don't want to go in the pool"

"So you picked the hard way I see.. Well, why don't you want to go in? You love swimming I know you do"

"I don't want to ruin your fun Luke just go swim okay?"

"Nope.. Tell me Ash"

"Because I'm a fucking whale alright, will you stop badgering me now?!"

I shout it loud enough to have Michael hear me. 

He quickly shuffles out of the pool and storms towards me.

"No no no no no no no" He says over and over while he comes towards us.
"Ashley, you aren't fat"

I roll my eyes, "You have to say that.. You're my brother"

"Um nope, I don't have to say anything and I definitely wouldn't say something if I didn't mean it so why are those thoughts in your head?"

"I just gained so much when I came over here..."

"Are you joking? You were practically bones when you came to us now you're healthy and you want to say you're fat?"

I stay silent while he rants on about how I'm 'a gorgeous girl' but I just don't see myself as gorgeous. That isn't my fault.

I look over at Luke who was staring off in space the other direction of us.
I nudge his knee but he wouldn't even move.

"So Ashley what are you?" Mikey asks me

"Um, gorgeous?"

"Um, you got that damn right" He says mocking my 'um'. "So are you joining us in the pool?"

I nod my head smiling.

He kisses my cheek and jumps back in by Ashton.

I stand up and take off my cover up, anxious of being made fun of at first but, then remember who I'm in front of. The only people I am comfortable around, I just had to get reminded of that.


He looks over at me finally with a sour face.

"Are.. you coming in?" I ask him kinda scared of the face he's making to me.

He stands up and walks past me with such attitude, diving in.

"Okay?" I whisper to myself.


-Luke's POV-

I step out of the shower, almost slipping on the water that was left over.

I hear a knock on the door that I recognized as Ashley's. Well, I only did cause she said along with it "Lucas open this door now" of course.

"Um, I'm sorta naked.."

I hear her sigh, "I'm not leaving until you tell me just what the hell you're mad at me for"

I wrap the towel around my manlyhood and walk out of the bathroom.

"I'm not mad... Honest... I'm just, kinda disappointed in you.."

"Care to explain?"

I sigh but walk away.

I didn't want to talk about the subject any longer. She knows why I'm disappointed in her, she just hasn't realized it yet.






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