The Past I

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(play the song above if u want)

~Time skip~  ( 1:00 )
As Katlyn, Kawaii~Chan, Aphmau and Aaron head out the door I limped up the stairs holding a light box. I set it down sighing. I opened the box smiling "ive had so much great memories" *sigh* "I miss those times" I frowned. I took out a trophie with the carving ~ 2013 Fantasy Football League Champion~ I smiled. (yuhp ur a football playah) I rested the trophies down on the shelves in the room across my bedroom. I passed through a pic frame with a pic of the team.

>Flashback< (before da big game)
I threw the ball at him "Ouch! Nathaniel(dis yo ex kay?) yelled. He smirked. "OMG NATHANIEL, A-Arre u okay?! I ran up to him. He looked weak I was worried. "Im so sorry" I said with a frown. His head faced down. I touched his soft silky cheek forcing him to stare at me. Once he had HE IMMEDIATELY KISSED ME. I pushed him away "are you kidding me?" I wined. He laughed. His smile was contagious which caused me to laugh. "hehe I hate you"  I chuckled. "watever I know u wuv me" he speaked in baby voice. "Watever! come on focus" "Whats the secret word? as he rubbed his head looking confused. "Ok FINE I WUV U" I giggled. "I love u too" He smiled. I blushed.....

~Your POV~
A single tear rolled down mah face. I walked to the side finding another box. I looked inside and saw a pic of Nathaniel and I which caused me to tear up a little more. I took it by hand and hugged it tightly.. I-I. m-miss him. I cried...

dis is what the picture looked like ^^^

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dis is what the picture looked like ^^^

"woahh hooo!! I screamed. He laughed  loud enough that the whole world could hear.
~Nathaniel's POV~
heh, I looked up at her looking at her beautiful smile. Seeing her happy makes me happy, but she cant know abou... I lost grip causing to drop her, I laughed. Before she got out of the water I made sure I wasnt. "Hmph Why'd chu do that for? she said with a pouty face. Im sorry babe I didnt mean to I smiled. I carried her back to shore.
~Your POV~
Hmm hes not himself today, I wonder why??? An idea popped up. I slapped him and got off of him. I ran away "HEY! wait where r u going DONT THINK U CAN GET AWAY THAT EASILY MISSY! "Haha you cant catch me" I yelled. I looked back not seeing him. "I guess I lost him?" I started yelling for his name. The Third time I did I felt someone hug me from behind causing me to turn around andd... He cupped his hands around my face and kissed me which caused me to blush.............

>Another Flashback Interupts<

(Sorry for the random character, Nathaniel is based on a RL person) feel free to imagine who you want it to be 🙂 I hope u enjoyed.   ~~~there is going to be a part two to this. The flashbacks arent done yet 🙄😜

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