New Job

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Your POV:
I walked outside to my mailbox recieving the rent bill for the house. Uhh $5,000? my mom doesnt make enough money for that... I went back inside getting changed to head out to look for a job... I wore a black crop top and a patterned f/c flowy along with round sunglasses and black sandals(pic above).. I grabbed my keys and headed for the car. I drove downtown. When I got out of the car I walked around town looking for any place that had a job opening. After 45 minutes of walking I came across a bar. I looked at the sign discustingly. It cant be that bad right? Y/N its a club for Irene's  sake anything could go wrong in there... Ehh, but I need the money. I leaned my head againts a brick wall. I went inside the bar noticing all guys staring at me... Stapp! I walked over to the bar asking about the job.
y: how much will I get paid?
"It depends how you do" he smirked.
y: Uhmm whats that suppose to mean..
??: I mean your pretty and im sure you can attract customers into purchasing something.
He squated down behind the counter.
???. "but you'll have to wear this" he lifted up an american styled like bra with a ripped up denim booty shorts.
y: I-I have to wear that?
??: haha dont wory you'll look sexy in it..
y: how much do I get paid for if I wear that?
??: hmm, about 6-7,000, but like I said it depends. Btw my name is Richard, you can call me Richie or Rich.
He offered me a handshake. I accepted it.
y: my names Y/N.
r: beautiful name for a beautiful girl...
I cant believe im doing this. I mean like $7,000? I could pay the rent and have some money left for me.
y: i'll take it...

>Time Skip<
When I got home I walked upstairs jumping on my bed. Then my phone rang. Aphmau?

(just pretend working at a bar, salary is $7,000, its not like Ik.. Im still a kid) and no ur not going to be stripper :) its just a club with drinks like vodka shizz

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