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Your POV:
a: heyyyy Traaaviiiss!
y: *sigh* for the last time, him and I arent dating!
a: ok ok, geez..
y: anyways what do you want?
a: do you wanna come sleep over?
y: sure.. whos gonna be there?
a: The boys, Lucinda and of course Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan..
y: ill be over in 10 mins.
I walked into my closet grabbing whatever is comfortble.. I quickly slipped on my dark blue superman hoodie over my black tank top and grey shorts. Before I left I grabbed my uggs and slipped them on as I head out the door. As I was walking I saw 3 guys from a far walking towards Aphmau's house. "Dante, Laurance, Garoth!" I yelled causing them to turn to my direction. "Wait up! I ran to them. We then all went in.
a: do you guys wanna watch a movie? I heard Lights Out is now out.
Travis and Aaron sandwhiched me. The girls and Dante sat on the floor and Garoth and Laurance sat next to each other on the smaller couch.

Aaron's POV:
As the movie started I felt a body against mine. I looked down to see Y/N has cuddle up next to me causing me to blush. As we got further into the movie I felt shaking. I looked down to see Y/N shivering. I took off my jacket and putting it around her. She then stopped shivering. I looked over to the guys looking mad. Laurance formed a fist, Garoth gripped on the glass cup tighter, Travis narrowing his eyes and Dante slashing his neck with his hand. I teased them by pulling Y/N up closer to me. I looked down at her to see her blush. When she turned around back at the tv she immediatley nudged her face on my chest when a jumpscare popped out. I laughed. She pulled away punching me lightly.
y: Its not funny!
aar: kinda was, haha.
She went back to cuddling me. While she did I saw a black figure in the corner of my eye head upstairs. I stared into the direction the black figure head to. Its just Lucinda.

Lucinda's POV:
Omg Aaron and Y/N are so cute! I have an idea and its great! I walked around the house trying to find a beanie. Then Aphmau approached me.
aph: what are you doing?
luc: do you by chance have a beanie?
aph: yah why?
luc: just gimme.


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