She's Beautiful

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Dante's POV: (7:45)
I woke up from my afternoon nap to Laurance and Garoth screaming. They scream like a girl! I walked out of my bedroom to see Travis chasing both Garoth and Laurance.
d: what are you guys doing?
l: we were hungry!
I then walked back to my room getting ready for my date. I didnt think she would actually say yes. I went over to my desk looking at a small pink box. I opened it to see the silver charm bracelet I had baught her before I ran into her at the mall. I hope she likes it. I slipped the box in my pocket.

I then walked over to my drawer grabbing the red picnic blanket

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I then walked over to my drawer grabbing the red picnic blanket. I grabbed the car keys and headed to the car to pick up Y/N.

Your POV:
I stepped into my closet walking through all racks tapping my chin with my index finger wearing just my towel over my body. I then grabbed my black bodycon dress and my white converse below the spot I grabbed the dress from. I walked back into the bathroom quickly changing into them. I walked out of the bathroom to my doorbell ringing. I think thats him. I quickly grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I opened the door to see Dante with a maroon jacket over a white shirt, khaki joggers and white vans. I looked back at him to see his orbs look at me up and down.

Dante's POV:
The door opened to me seeing her in a dress that clearly showed her curves. I looked at her up and down repeatedly. Omi she so sexy. Shes just so perfect especially with those e/c eyes and h/l h/c hair. I then snapped back to reality to Y/N waving her hand in my face.

d: oh u-uhm sorry

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d: oh u-uhm sorry.
She giggled. When we got to the car I opened the car door like gentleman and closing it when she got in. I then got into the driver seat and drove away.

>Time Skip<
Your POV:
Before we got to the place. I pulled over grabbing a red bandana from the side of my car door. I then placed it over her eyes. I waved my hand infront of her face making sure she couldnt see a thing.
I then continued driving. 2 minutes later we arrived. Before we stopped I moved the truck so that the trunk faced the view.
d: just wait here!
She nodded in response. I quickly hopped off the car opening the trailgates of the trunk to see the picnic table and a lantern on each corners of the trunk. I rushed back to the car grabbing Y/N. I took her infront of the view. I stood behind her untying the knot from the bandana. The bandana dropped on te floor exposing her eyes.
y: wow! this is amazing! its so beautiful.
I looked at the view that showed half of the city and the stars above.
d: not as beautiful as you..
She turned around facing her back to the view giving me a smile. Her smile is just so beautiful, I will do anything to keep that on her face. I then got on top of the truck gripping on her waist pulling her up. I sat behind her as she sat on the edge of the trailgate. She was now in between my legs. She leaned her back against my chest. We were now staring up in the sky gazing at the stars. She traced the stars with her hand while my arms were around her waist. I took my arms off of her pulling out a pink box that held the bracelet inside out of my pocket. I grabbed her wrist that were up in the air placing it down it down on her thighs. I took out the bracelet unclipping it to clip it onto her wrist.
y: where did you get this?
d: well, I got it for you before I bumped into you at the mall.
She looked up at me with a smile on her face. She then pecked me on the cheek causing me to blush. I looked down at her to see her blush aswell.
y: its beautiful, thank you..
We then talked about our best times in the past. She eventually fell asleep on my chest. I gently placed her down opening the car door to the back seat. I walked back to Y/N carrying her bridal style placing her down at the back seat. As I placed her down I couldnt help but stare at her. She's Beautiful. I then drove her home grabbing her keys from her purse opening the house. I carried her bridal style up to her room and placing her down gently. I then headed back home and eventually fell asleep.

If you work hard enough

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