The Past III (Accident)

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~Nathaniel's POV~
I saw her  in the corner of my eye, I turned around seeing her looking at me, she had tears in her eyes. She ran away with her hands over her face.
I left everything behind chasing after her. I kept yelling her name she wouldnt turn around. I continued. She crossed the street. NOO!! Y/N. I screamed. I ran up to her. "I-Im so sorry Y/N pls pls forgive" I sat down beside her taking her head by hand, and carried it next to mine. "pls d-dont l-leave m-me Y/N I can c-changed" I sobbed as tears covered my face. "I love you.." I murmered. I shook her upper body side to side repeating her name.....

Ding! Dong!!
"huh.. who could that be? Wiping tears off my face. I walked down the stairs heading for the door. I opened the door facing down. I wiped my face making sure the tears were gone. Of course I didnt want the person to see me crying. meh. I looked up and saw a boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.....

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