Meeting Zane

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*yawn* I hopped off, I stood beside the bed for about 5 seconds and stretched my arms out. I head to the bathroom took a shower and brushed my teeth.Meh what should I wear today. (choose one of the outfits above) this is perfect. I walked downstairs opening all cabinets and pantry to see nothing.. I didnt have anything in storage so umm I guess I have to go groceries shopping today. I grabbed my keys and head out the door. When I opened the door I saw a man with black hair and blue eyes. They were an inch away from hitting that doorbell.

"well hello my name is Zane" he speaked in a deep voice. "I like ur voice hehe" I giggled. I think he blushed but I couldnt tell becuz half of his face was covered by his mask and hair. All I could see was an eye. "r-really?" he looked down. "heh.. yeah, my names Y/N" I smiled. He asked me where I was going and I told him to the groceries store. He came along with.

~Time Skip to Walmart~
I grabbed a shopping cart. We both head to the chips aisle. I grabbed a ton of hot cheetoes and doritos.
"D-dont u think thats too much? he asked. "nope, there is no limit on food Zaneee" I chuckled.

~Zane's POV~
We spent 30 minutes in the store. She kept bugging me to grab something out of each aisle we enter. "eeee, Zane can u help me grab the box of chocolates pleaasse" she stared at me. "Nope" I laughed. "pweeetty pwease" She begged. "haha still a no" "ur so mean" She looked cute struggling to get the chocolates she tried jumping for it but she was too short. I laughed. She was now on her tippy toes.

"YASSS" she yelled "Zane Zane I got it" she danced in happiness. "good job hehh, now come on lets go u filled up the cart already" She came up to me a couple of seconds later I felt a light touch, touch my hand. I looked down Y/N's hand was touching mine. Her hands were soft.  We both looked at each other she was blushing and I think I was too.

We were in line, when it was our turn the cashier looked at both of us smiling. "Wow its so nice of ur boyfriend to buy u all these stuff" the cashier said. "oohh uhm.. h-he is not my boyfriend, hes just a friend " I looked down at her, I caught her blushing a bright red. I cant believe the cashier thought I was her boyfriend...

~Time Skip to car~
~Your POV~
I settled down and started the engine. Before I did though, I handed Zane the aux cord. I told him to pick any music. He picked the song Love You Like A Love Song by Selene Gomez. Before the song began I yelled ""OO I LOVE THIS SONGGG"

"r-really? he asked "who doesnt?! We both sang together. {I-I love you like a love song baby! I-I love you like a love song babehh} He flew his arms around. I did to but one hand was on the wheel.
~Time Skip (cuz lazy)
~Zane's POV~
She asked me to stay. So I stayed. We were both hungry so we ordered pizzas. "lets watch a movie, u in?" "y-yeah I guess. We both watched movies until sun down. There were no pizzas left. She wanted to watch one more movie but this time she said a scary one.

"are u sure u can handle it haha" I laughed evily. "Of course I can I am a grown woman! "BOOO! She jumped into my arms. *slaps* "whyd u do that for? she wined. "for fun" I smirked. "ur a meany weany" she pouted her lips.

She had her head in between her knees the whole time. I hopped out of the couch. "I have to use the bathroom" As I left I thought of the best idea! After using the bathroom I snuck up behind her "BOO! I yelled. She stood up and punched me. I fell hard to the ground. She jumped out from the back of the couch. "hehe make this be your lesson" She giggled. A couple of minutes after the incident I felt a slight touch my shoulder. I looked over and saw Y/N sleeping. She looked beautiful. I placed her head down on my lap then suddenly my eyes felt heavy and went to sleep..

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