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(not yet olo)

Your POV:
I woke up to my phone ringing. I quickly grabbed my phone answering the call.
y: hey, whatsup?
a: we are having a pool party, can you come?
y: sure
I ended the call yawning my way to the bathroom. I took a bath bomb from a bowl of collection next to the sink. I placed it on the rising water turning it into a sunset purple. I then hopped in resting myself down on the water. After my bathe I headed over to my closet looking over at my bikinis. I picked up a f/c bikini along with a ripped denim knee length shorts with an adidas adilette. Once ive changed I looked at myself on my 6ft tall mirror. I then walked downstairs to my door knocking. I opened the door to see Zane in his black swim trunks and a dark blue towel around his neck. I blushed as I looked down to see his well toned abs.

Zane's POV:
As the door opened I saw Y/N in a f/c bikini top. I looked down to see her shorts were unzipped nor unbuttoned from the width of her hip. Omi, she is so hot! stop it Zane! its just hard not to look at her especially with those curves.
y: Zane!
I then woke up, back to reality to see Y/N's left eyebrow up.
z: u-uhm sorry... are you ready?
y: let me get my towel, wait here!
She then ran upstairs giggling which caught my attention. I stared directly at her butt bouncing up and down as she ran up the stairs. Zane!.When she came back, all I could stare was her breasts bouncing as she walked down the stairs.
y: uhm, Zane my eyes are up here.
She giggled as we walked towards Aphmau's, bumping into the boys. I glared at them knowing they were checking her out.
t: damn mami! oughw!
She giggled walking inside. The boys stared as she walked away, to be honest I was too. I looked back at them to see them glaring at me.
l: why were you with her?
z: A-Aph told me to pick her up.
I looked down at what Dante was carrying.
z: really?
d: a couple of shots wouldnt hurt.
g: come on have some fun baby brother.
He jumped on me rubbing my hair with his fist. We then all walked inside to see Y/N taking off her shorts. Her butt was now up in the air. Of course Travis would go in and smack it. She jumped in surprise. Laurance walked up to him punching him causing him to fall on the floor.
t: st-still a great view from down here..
Laurance rolled his eyes including me.
Y/N offered him a hand helping him up.
d: Y/N he disrespected you!
y: like how you guys stare at me as I walk off? hehe.
She giggled causing all boys including me to blush. Garoth ran away as he yelled like a girl. Then Aaron came in.
a: hey guys.
y: hi Aaron.
After Y/N greeted him she walked away heading upstairs.

Aaron's POV:
I walked in to see Y/N in her bikini while the boys stared at her. She's beautiful. After she greeted me she headed upstairs. I then watched Dante put down a box of Liquor down on the couch. It worried me. Y/N is too young for this. I walked upstairs knocking on Aphmau's door. I opened it to see a room filled with bikini girls.
k~c: hi Aaron~Kun!
aph: whatsup?
aar: did you know Dante braught beer?
aph: yah...
k: we asked him to, why?
y: I wanna try alcohol!
She raised her hand up.
aar: NO!
They all stared at me confused.
y: why not?
aar: your too young...
luc: oh Aaron come on let the girl try new things..
y: first time for everything right?
girls: Yah!
Irene plz dont let anything bad happen to her.


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