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Your POV:
aph: hey wastup
y: well, come over I need to give you something hehe..
aph: ok then be there in 10.
~10 mins later~
The doorbell rang. I ran opening the door.
y: Ill give you the thing when you leave. You wanna watch a movie?
aph: yes! lets watch Me Before You!
y: omg yes! The trailer was so good, and I heard it was worth crying to.
aph: they sad it was better than Titanic even SADDER!
We watched the movie. In the ending we sulked eating our ice scream.
y: *sob* w-why does he have to die?
aph: w-why couldnt *sob* he just call off the death thing?!
y/aph: *SOB* wuahh!
After calming down we both sat on the ground talking about how great the movie was. Our eyes were read even our noses. We finished our ice cream. Before she stepped out of the door I remembered.
y: WAIT!
I ran upstairs grabbing her a small box. Once I got back I handed it to her. She opened it with a big smile on her face. She looked up at me with her smile widening.
aph: thank you Y/N!
y: its a friendship bracelet..
aph: Promise to never keep secrets no matter what!
She held up a pinky. I hooked it with mine.
She lied to me.. If she had told me she had feelings for him.. Idk I love him but... Another flashback interupted my thoughts.
~~~~~~~~~~(2nd Flashback)
Your POV:
I stared off into the sunset while Aaron had his arms around me. I lifted up my arm tracing the stars. It made a heart.
y: I think I like this place better than the kitchen..
a: thats impossible!
y: hehe Ik thats why this place is very special. Nothing can beat this.
a: I love you..
y: I love you too...
a: I forgot something
I sat up when I felt Aaron move around to reach something in his pocket. He took out a f/c mini box.
I sat indian style across from him staring into his dark sparkling eyes.
a: here, open it. :)
I opened it to see a ring with my zodiac sign on it. He lifted up his hand showing he had one too..
a: its a promise ring...
I teared cheerfully placing a hand over my mouth.
y: thank you Aaron..
He placed his right hand over his chest. He grabbed my hand with his freehand pecking my knuckles.
a: I Aaron promise to never break Y/N L/N's heart.
I did the same routine except for the hand pecking.
y: I Y/N promise to love Aaron with all my heart and never leave him hehe..
He took the ring out of the box sliding it into my (whichever finger). I then layed down falling into a deep slumber .


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