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Your POV: (7:00)
I stood on the edge of the pool looking at Aaron leaning on the fence. Why is he.. I then felt hands around my waist from the side pushing me in full force into the pool. I swam up to the surface with my hair covering my face. I heard the guys laughing.
y: who did that?!
I lifted up my hair out of my face to see the boys pointing at each other.
y: you got away this time!
I walked up out of the water hearing my name being called. I looked at the glass window behind the grill to see Lucinda gesturing me to come over.
luc: Y/N!
I went over to the kitchen grabbing a shot glass from Lucinda. Katelyn then poured beer in it. I drank it one shot flinching my face wanting more. I drank 1 more then 2 then 3, and more up to the point where im dizzy and barely can control myself. I then hear the radio play Wiggle by Jason Derulo. The girls and I headed out to the back yard dancing not including Aphmau.

Aphmau's POV:
I walked back downstairs to see Dante walking up to Y/N from behind . Y/N stood there dancing infront of him as she held onto a shot glass. I looked at Aaron on the side leaning on the fence glaring at Dante. The chorus then came and Y/N bent down with both hands on each of her bare thighs twerking. Aaron was right. I walked out disturbing her and Dante causing her to get mad. I grabbed Y/N by her arm pulling her away.
aph: what are you doing?
y: geez Aphmau, cant have fun huh?
aph: go home.
y: your not my mom!
She turned around being stopped by Aaron causing her to drop her drink on his abs.
y: whatch it!
Aaron held onto her not letting her walk away. I looked over at Laurance, Garoth, and Travis in the pool looking worried and Dante glaring behind Aaron.
aar: come on lets go!
y: why?!
aph: make sure she gets home safe..
aar: I promise.

Aaron's POV:
I knew this was going to happen. I took her by her forearm pulling her towards the living room to grab my jacket. I grabbed my jacket from the couch slipping it on her.
luc: have fun Y/N
y: I will!
I looked back at Lucinda smirking. I pulled Y/N towards her house by her arm. While we walked I kept looking back at her every second to see she was walking drunkly with her eyes closed and chin up in the air. When we got to her house she refused to go upstairs making me carry her up bridal style. I layed her down on the bed gently.
"I love you Y/N" I whispered. I kissed her forehead and headed out the door until....

Goodbye (MS boys x reader) Where stories live. Discover now