7 Minutes In Heaven

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Lucinda's POV:
When Aphmau gave me the beanie I rushed downstairs trying to get everyones attention. They didnt seem to notice me so I took the remote and paused the movie causing them to get mad.
k: why did you do that for?
luc: hehe we are going to play a game.
Everyone wined.
luc: what?
l: everytime we play a game hosted by you, it always ends up being about loooove.
y: well I wanna play!
aph: same!
luc: GREAT!
We all sat down in a circle on the floor infront of the tv. I then pulled out the beanie.
luc: put a small item you own in that beanie.
I stood up and passed it around to evrybody.
d: what are we playing exactly?
luc: 7 Minutes In Heaven
k: oh my Irene.
I sat down next to Laurance.
luc: hmm.. Y/N why dont you go first!
I gave the beanie to her. She shoved her hands in the beanie with her eyes closed. I used my magiks to move Aaron's item for Y/N to grab. She then pulled up a red bandana. I looked over to Aaron to see him blush. I then heard growls next to me. It was Laurance.
k~c: oo can Kawaii~Chan take pictures?
k: no Kawaii~Chan..
k~c: awwhh!
I stood up taking Y/N by the wrist leading her twowards Aaron. I then grabbed his wrist pulling them to the basement. Everyone followed. I opened the door and pushed both of them inside.
y: LUCIN...
I slammed the door closed.
luc: what? hehe

Your POV:
y: LUCIN...
She shut the door on my face. Aaron grabbed my wrist and made his way down the stairs I followed him. He sat me down on a chair while he stands up.
y: ...
a: I wanna take this chance to t-tell you..
y: tell me wh...
He roughly grabbed my wrist lifting me off the chair. He then pinned me to the wall behind him. My wrist was pinned by his hand.
y: a-aaron?
He ignored me and pushed his lips against mine. His other hand made its way up to my cheek. I kissed him back passionately. As we continued he pushed me more into the wall. We then pulled away for air..
a: 7 minutes is up.

Dante's POV:
The girls left along with Laurance. Garoth, Travis and I stayed behind the door. The three of us kept pushing each other away from the door.
g: Dante move!
He pushed both of us down on the floor causing me to be on top of Travis.
t: get off of me before Kawaii~Chan sees us!
He whispered. I got off looking over at Garoth with his eye on the doorknob.
Then the door opened causing him to fall down. Travis and I laughed. When the door was fully open I saw Y/N blushing until she saw garoth on the floor. She then dropped to her knees gripping the back of Garoth's head causing Travis and I to growl in anger.
30 minutes later we all fell asleep.


(omg babe Zane im sorry I forgot you D;

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