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Yor POV:
I woke up yelling on my pillow. Yes! finally a bit of vacation! Before I got off of bed my phone rang.

aph: Y/N Lucinda said she will meet us there and also she told us to where light shirts because we have to hike on the way up.
y: hike? why?
aph: it was raining yesterday so the roads are slippery.
y: ok then..
After the phonecall I decided to wear my f/c Nike sport shorts and a s/f/c sports bra. Before I headed out the door I noticed something in the corner of my eyes. I turned to see my 6ft tall mirror. I sighed as I looked at myself sideways in the mirror. I rubbed my belly up and down. This is gonna be risky. I walked back to my closet again grabbing a baggy white shirt. I cant let him know yet.. I then heard the sound of my phone dinging. I checked to see Laurance had told me he was outside with the others through text message. I then walked downstairs to the driveway. I then stepped in a white mercedes car. Travis had the aux cord.. Which means sexual music..

We parked before we reached the mud slide. When I got off I noticed there were rope railings for us to hold onto. My smile grew but then faded away when I saw a woman with red hair slipped. I looked down at my tummy rubbing it as I put my freehand on my hip. Aaron then approached me.
a: Y/N is there something wrong?
y: n-no im fine, lets get going.
Aaron put his arm around my shoulder kissing my forehead.
a: well lets hurry and catch up everyone has already left.
I looked at the gang to see Aaron wasnt lying. We soon caught up but I was the farthest away. Aaron caught up being on the lead. Why did you leave me? I stopped taking a small break. After what seems like minutes I took a step forward but slipped. I rolled down a whole beside me. After I landed I noticed my legs were bleeding coming from my vagina. I then felt a huge pain coming from my stomach. I moaned in pain loud enough a whole neighborhood can hear. As I scream I carassed my tummy. "its okay baby its going to be okay" I whispered. I then heard a familiar voice from above. "God!?" I asked yelling.

Laurance's POV:
Aaron caught up to us. I looked through the guys behind me, Dante and Travis. Y/N was a million steps behind us! I stopped causing Dante and Travis to get infront of me. Im worried thats not like her, shes usually in the fro.. My thoughts got cut to Y/N slipping down into a whole.
l: Y/N!!!
Everybody turned to look. I didnt care I started heading down. I slid with my feet as my hands slid through the rope.
Next thing I knew Aaron came sliding down with his body on the muddy downhill.
I looked back up to everyone with a worried face.
l: ok! but tell the girls to go ahead and call for Lucinda.
I decided to do what Aaron did. We both got to the spot where she had fallen within seconds.
y: God!?
l: Y/N are you okay?
ugh babe calling at this time? nvm theres no time to argue Laurance!
He slid down with his hand glinding on a surface. Once he landed he ran to Y/N hugging her. She winced to me assuming Aaron hugged her real tight. He gave her a bunch of kisses on the forehead. The guys then approached me from behind.
??: come on move aside...
I turned to see the ambulance here.

Aaron's POV:
Y/N im so so sorry for leaving you behind. Im such a bad boyfriend.
l: why did you suddenly leave her behind?
a: im sorry I just..
l: its your job to take care of her!
a: I know but I didnt know this would happen.
l: its all your fault shes on that hospital bed!
g: guys stop it! this isnt the place to fight right now.
Garoth pushed both of us in opposite direction. I walked over to Y/N holding her hand. As I kissed her hand gently The beeping noise approached. I stood up, shocked. My eyes widened causing me to panick. 'Beep Beep Beep Beep'
d: DOC!
aph: Y/N! stay with us!!
k~c: Y/N~Senpai!
a: Y/N please everyone needs you, I need you..
I got pulled out of the room by nurses. I looked through the door window. Irene please. Both of my hands intertwined as I prayed to Lady Irene.

Oh my Irene, GOODBYE

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