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~Laurance's POV~
I pushed the doorbell waiting for her to answer. As the door opened I saw her, her face was bright pink, and her nose was red as a chili pepper. Im assuming she was crying. I asked her if she was ok she answered with yeah. She looked down and took her shirt wiping her face. I asked her once again. She said she was. "h-hey im laurance" uhm hello?? are you therr" I said with distressed..

~Your POV~
He was sooo cutee. oh waitt uhm. "hi my names Y/N" I murmured. "well thats a beautiful name for a beautiful lady" He winked. I blushed "heh thx.. come in" I smiled. He explained that aphmau called the boys telling them I needed help moving in. He also told me that they were on there way. "so since im here do u need me to bring any boxes in a certain place? he asked. "uhh yes actually" I told him to take the box behind him to the bathroom upstairs. While he did that I went over to the kitchen making myself a sandwhich..

~Laurance's POV~
I set the box down. I head out to the door. While I was walking down the empty hallway I noticed an opened doorway across the closed room. I Went inside seeing a ton of trophies and picture frames even a guitar in the corner. Im Wowed! I stepped inside looking at all trophies she had. "how long have she been playing football? I whispered..

~Your POV~
Why is he taking so long its been like 10 minutes. I walked up the stairs. I looked in the bathroom and in my bedroom. When I was heading out I saw him in the trophie room.

"what are you doing here? I asked. "oh uhm sorry, the door was open an... "no its ok" "do you mind if I ask u a question? he asked "no.. w-what is it" I walked in. "How long have u been playing? .

~Laurance's POV~
I asked her how long she has been playing, she just stood there looking at the ground. "Since freshman year ey..

"Im guessing ur a professional huh" I looked at all the trophies and back. "Do you still pla.. "I got kicked out of the team" She bursted out. I told her I was sorry but she ignored me and started walking away. I grabbed her wrist pulling her closer towards me. She turned to me. We were face to face. She blushed, which caused me to blush. AWH man shes beautiful. She had E/C eyes and L/S (length) H/C hair.

"You look cute when u blush" She blushed even more. "u-uh.." "look im sorry, but if u need anyone to talk to im here" I took her hand and placed a small piece of paper with my number on it. "Call me, text me anytime, ill be waiting" I whispered in her ear.
Ding! Dong!
"I think thats them, lets go u need to meet them" I smiled.

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