
566 6 2

Timeskip<1 week later>
Your POV:
I woke to feeling of wanting to puke. I walked as fast as I can to the bathroom. I dropped to my knees next to toilet throwing up. After throwing up I walked out of the bathroom to my phone ringing.

aph: we need to talk.
y: why?
She hung up. I guees its important, she doesnt usually do that. I walked back into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My tummy grew 2 more inches wide. I wore f/c baggy shirt. Ive been wearing baggy/oversized shirts ever since. I knew my bump wouldve shown if I wore my other clothes. I then brushed my teeth and started walking towards Aph's. I rang the doorbell. Aphmau grabbed me by the arm. I followed to where she was leading me. I saw Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn.
y: whats happening?
k~c: why didnt Y/N~Senpai tell about pregnancy!?
k: we couldve helped you!
y: you told them?! who else have you told?!
aph: only these two.. but enough of that, I thought you were going to tell Aaron?
y: I am, cant you wait?
aph: well I cant because you can go to labor any time soon!
y: ok ok..
aph: call him right now and you have to tell him.
k~c: so its true Aaron~Kun is the father!?
k: yes Kawaii~Chan..

a: hey babe, whats the sudden phonecall?
y: I miss you..
I looked at Aph to see she was glaring at me. The three girls made a shooing gesture telling me to 'go ahead tell him'
a: I miss yo..
y: well thats not all, can we meet up at the park?
a: sure what time?
y: I dont know somewhere at 6.
a: Ill meet you there.
I hung up sighing.
k~c: why didnt Y/N~Senpai tell Aaron~Kun?
k: she needs privacy.
aph: why though? we already know about it.
y: Katelyn is right.. I want to talk to him personal, and plus he might start wondering why you guys know instead of the father of our child.
k/aph: true

I changed into a nude pink body con dress. I then wore a white oversized obey shirt over it also wearing white coverse for footwear. I got inside my f/c car and started driving to the park. As I was driving my favorite song came up, f/s. While I sang the chorus I felt a kick in my stomach. "geez for a baby your strong" I giggled. "you got that from your dad, hehe i wonder what you get from me" I whispered. I pulled over getting out of the car. I was leaning on my car waiting for him. I then looked down at my phone, it read 6:25. Hes late, hes never late. My phone rang a million times, still no answer, I had left thousands of voicemails. Maybe hes at my favorite spot... I started walking towards where a cliff was.

I creeped through a tree over the edge of the cliff. A couple was making out. I awed from how cute it was. My smile faded as they turn to their side. He looks familiar.. and her aswell. I tippy toed to a closer tree. I looked closer to see they both had black hair. That jacket.. That cant be. As they both lifted up their hands. I saw what ive feared most. My bestfriend with my boyfriend... Tears ran down my face.
That bracelet, That ring... I recognized them.

damn, das deep maan...

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