Not A Goodbye

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Aaron's POV:
Its been 10 days, her house is quiet, not any light every single night, no music. A man then went over to the house with a stick sign(idk what its called) Whos that? He shoved the sign onto the dirt. The sign read 'SOLD' sold? she sold her house? d-did she move out without telling us?I walked out the door to see everybody heading the same route. I arrived first.
a: umm mr. whats going on?
The squad approached us.
l: whats going on?
??: well this house is sold.
aph: by who?
??: I dont know, but the lady that lived here left a couple of days ago. She posted the house online 'For Sale'
k~c: d-did Y/N~Chan leave?!
d: she would never...
k: but she havent been answering our calls.
I stayed quiet staring off into the house. Y/N.. why would you just leave like that?

You promised...

g: n-no she w-would n-never leave us just like that..
l: why would..
aph: Aaron are you okay.
As the guy left I ran towards the house banging on the door. I repeatedly yelled her name banging louder each second. I turned around with tears forming. Everyone had a worried face on them. I leaned my back against the wall sliding down to sit. The guys walked towards me and the girls kneeled down next to me.
l: its okay...
d: she'll come back..
t: you know what they say, if they love you they always come back.
a: she promised.
k: was there something you did wrong?
a: I dont know.
I then fell backwards hitting my head.
My smile grew assuming Y/N opened the door. I opened my eyes to see a womans chin and jaw shaped like Y/N's. I quickly stood up embracing her not caring. I cried tears of joy on her shoulder. I hugged her tighter every second passes by.
aph: umm Aaron..
k~c: Aaron~Kun,.
l: get off of her!
Laurance tried pulling me away by my shoulder. I hugged her tighter not wanting to let go.
a: Y/N I missed you so much..
???: umm whos Y/N?
I pulled away to my smile fading away. My tears became tears
of sadness as I looked at the lady I hugged to see she wasnt her. I dropped to my knees putting my hands over my face. I miss her. Irene please bring her back! I dont want to get hurt.... again..
aph: come on Aaron...
t: lets go buddy
k~c: sorry Stranger~Chan for intruding.
d: we'll find her tomorrow..
I stood up agreeing unitl I was stopped by the woman behind me.
???: so your'e Aaron. im guessing this was meant for you...
She handed me a paper with writing on it. The bottom read 'Love, Y/N' I stared at the woman with hope.
a: did she give this to you?
???: no sorry..
g: how did you get it?
???: while I was inspecting the house I saw this in the fridge. I kind of read it. sorry..
k: its okay..
I started reading. Everyone followed.

The Letter~~

Dear Aaron,
I dont know how to say this... Im sorry that I have to this to you, I dont know if you'll even care. But always remember I love you. Dont worry about me, ill be in good hands. I'll be gone for a while. A long while. Ive never thought I would be able to fall in love after what happend to me years ago but you came along. Ive experienced new things with you. I dont regret the times we've spent together. To me they were special even more than food. You were the first person I met here in the neighborhood and I knew I was going to fall in love again. Ill never forget the time ive laid eyes on you. Promise me you'll take care of Aphmau, and everybody else. I wont be there. All I know is that if we're meant to be, the universe will do anything for us to meet again. I'll co.. We'll come back one day.

Your POV:
I sat down waiting for the plane to take off. I stared off into the sky as Nathaniel's arms wrapped around my shoulder. One day, you'll be able to meet her. I love you, and will never loose that feeling. A couple of mintues after the plane took off, Nathaniel fell asleep. I took out my phone turning it on. The first thing I saw was me and Aaron as my screen saver. I pushed my lips against my phone screen. Take care, my love.

This is not a goodbye yet. I hope it isnt.
                                   Love, Y/N

Aaron's POV:
I teared as I read the last sentence. I will wait, no matter how long it is. Until I die. I re read a sentence. "We'll come back one day" I whispered confused.
a: we'll??

Aphmau's POV:
As he re read one of the sentence my eyes grew wider at what Y/N meant. He has to know...
a: we'll??
aph: Aaron...
a: what is...
aph: a child, y-you have a child with h-her.
l/g/t/d: WHAT?!
a: huh? w-why didnt s-she tell me?
His tears fell faster as he responded.
aph: ...
k~c: Aaron~Kun dont worry, Aphmau~Senpai and Katelyn~Sama and Kawaii~Chan will help find Y/N~Chan.
a: thanks Kawaii~Chan..
I dont know when your coming back but I just hope you do.I will stand beside him and take care of him for you.
g: why d-didnt she tell us?
k: Garoth its none of your bussiness!
l: it is our bussiness!
k: are you the father?
t/l/d/g: ...

Aaron's POV:
I'll be waiting...

This was very long, as you guys can already tell, its not a goodbye yet so there is a 2nd book hehe. It will be called 'Lost And Found (Aaron x reader)' I hope you guys enjoyed this story. The new book will be realeased after 2-4 days after this chapter is realeased. :)

Goodbye (MS boys x reader) Where stories live. Discover now