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(Nah imma finish this book)
Your POV:
I woke up to my stomach growling in hunger. I stepped into my closet grabbing random clothes. I ended up with a f/c new york designed Tshirt, o/c(optional color) yoga pants and black and white striped bra with a calvin klein underwear(pic above). When I finished, I walked downstairs to the kitchen and made myself a cheese sandwhich. I have nothing to do...  I finished eating my sandwhich to head back to my room. I grabbed my phone to call Travis.
t: hey babe, whats up?
y: heyy Travis. Can you hang today?
t: sure babe, be there in 10.
(he hangs up)

Travis's POV:
I was sitting down on the couch in my living room thinking how I should approach y/n. Then my phone rang. I quickly answered the phone.
>Time Skip<(after the phone call)
She wants to hang out with me? ahehe, I guess my charm worked. (lets all just pretend Travis never liked Katelyn) I quickly got dressed. Maybe I can impress her by wearing my swimming jersey.. I am the team captain(idk anything about swimming shiz) I took off my plain white shirt showing my rock hard six pack. I then slipped on my jersey. I looked at the mirror doing men poses. I still got it! I walked upstairs sitting down on the couch. I looked down at my watch to see I still have 5 minutes. I wasted my 5 minutes speaking to myself. "heyy baby gurl" .. "whatsahhh" shes not a dude Travis. Then Garoth interupted.
g: who are you talking to?
I looked at him to see him holding a bag of doritos.. I lifted my wrist to look at the time.
t: sorry Garoth but I gotta go.
g: where are you going?
t: to hang out with Y/... t-to go meet up with mah... team!
g: are you sure?
I stood up flaunting my jersey.
g: well.. have fun then...

>Time Skip< (To House)
The white wooden door opened.
t: hi Y/N..
She narrowed her eyes up at me.
y: your not Travis.
t: what do you mean?
y: where is the flirty guy I know?
t: so you want me to flirt on you?
y: no, but its just.. nvm come in.
I stepped inside sitting down on the couch.
y: do you want pizza? cause I ate all my food.
t: sure. can I turn the tv on?
y: yuhp go ahead.
I scrolled down trying to find a movie to watch... Then I found Central Intelligence. After a couple of minutes the pizza guy finally got here.
t: let me get it.
y: ok.. thx
Y/N laughed through out the entire movie and ended up cuddling next to me. My arm was around her shoulders.
She then stared down to my shirt as she dropped her drink on me.
y: omg im so sorry..
t: no its ok...
We both stood up. As I was standing I took off my soaking wet shirt. I threw my shirt to the couch then stared at Y/N to see her staring at me blushing a bright red. I teased her by flexing my muscle.
y: uhmm.
t: ahehe do you like what you see?
y: n-no!
We both head to her room.

Oh shiz. what they gon' do in der?

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