A Good Friend

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(only Travis's pov)
Travis's POV:

y: make yourself comfortable while I get you a shirt.
As she went to her walk in closet I noticed a small opening in the corner of my eye. I looked inside the drawer next to her king sized bed. I saw a small white wooden frame with heart patterns, and in the inside was her with a man with black hair and black eyes. Is this her boyfriend?
y: what are you doing?
t: oh uhmm im sorry...
I dropped the frame on her bed slowly. I took the white plain shirt she was holding and quickly slipped it on. I looked at her staring at the picture.
t: is that your boyfriend?
y: ex...
t: ex? what happend.
She scooted over to the center of her bed looking up at me with teary eyes. I went over to her.
y: promise you wont tell anybody?
t: I promise...
As she got further more into the story more tears dropped on her criss crossed legs. Why would he do that to her? Im just glad she survived the accident. When she finished she placed her hands over her face sobbing.  Poor Y/N. I took her head and placed it on my shoulder. After a couple of seconds she suddenly hugs me.
y: your A Good Friend Travis.
t: ...
After a couple of minutes massaging her head I heard cute snoring. I looked down to see her sleeping. I gently set her down moving upwards towards the pillows. Then I pulled her up to a pillow. I took a hair piece off of her face and placing it down with the rest. Wow shes like sleeping beauty but hehe even prettier... I layed down next to her. Ugh I cant sleep! She rolled closer to me. I switched to her direction hugging her then fell asleep...

Who thought Travis was gon' get it?

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