The Kiss

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Garoth's POV
I went out heading to Y/N's house to make sure shes ok. Before I pressed the doorbell I looked behind me to see Y/N coming out of AARON'S HOUSE! I ran off to the closest bush and jumping head first then peeking through the small wholes. Idk what they were talking about but I just saw Y/N kiss him on the cheek. Are they dating?! She turned to the direction of her house and started walking forward. I looked back at Aaron his face was bright red. He looked like he was about to explode. As Y/N goes into her house I yelled her name making her notice me.
y: Garoth! what are you doing here?
g: oh u-uhmm.. do you wanna hang?
y: sure, *cough* but let me go change first. come in, make yourself at home.
As she went upstairs to get changed I sat on her couch turning on the radio. After a couple of minutes listening to music Y/N finally came back she was wearing a white crop top, black sweatpants and an oversize brown sweater. She looked cute in them.

(outfit^)She walked up to me but she stopped when the song I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen started playing

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She walked up to me but she stopped when the song I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen started playing. Y/N looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. She then started jumping up and down and waving her hands in the air. I laughed loud enough that the whole neighborhood could hear. This was one of the reasons why I like her. Shes confident. I just sat on her couch watching her dance across the room.
Your POV
When the song I Really Like You started playing I started dancing and jumping in the air like a maniac! When the chorus of the song came I formed a fist holding it up pretending I was holding a mic. I flew my head back and forth like a rockstar and I then started hitting the air pretending I was a drummer holding drumsticks! I got annoyed of garoth just sitting there so I danced to him, took his wrist and started twirling him around. He did too. After a minute into the song he pulled me closer to him that our nose were touching. I looked up at his baby blue eyes blushing. He bit his lips then leaned in for our lips to meet. His lips were soft as a baby's butt(lol)
g: oh u-um im sorry I didnt mean to.
he sat down on the couch covering his pink face with his hands.
y: its ok garoth
He took both hands off his face looking up at me.
g: no i-its not
I sat next to him causing him to blush even more. I hugged him and gave him a peck on his cheek.
>time skip<
As garoth walk out the door I jumped in joy thag he kissed me!! But I still have to becareful. He is cute but what if he hurts me? I ran upstairs to my room placing my face over a pillow and screaming! Then I passed out..

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