The Guys

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~Your POV~
Laurance and I ran down stairs but I was slow cuz my leg still hurts. He opened the door, I saw 3 guys one with light blonde hair with blue eyes the other had royal blue hair and dark blue eyes, the last guy had white hair and emarld eyes

I walked up to them and they all stared at me up and down."helluuu.. my face is up here" I snapped. "Hey guys this is Y/N, Y/N meet Garoth, Dante and Travis" Laurance said.
"I-Im Garoth" blondie said. "Im Dante and dat over there is Travis" pointing to the opposite side of Garoth's.
"Heyy, there pretty lady Ouw! Travis said. He walked up to me took my hand knelt down and kissed it. The guys slapped him. Laurance apologized and told me he was a cassanova "Its okay" I giggled.

Behind them I saw a large vehicle back up. It was the moving van. I pushed aside the boys running to the van. The guys followed. Once the back opened the guys jaws dropped, they all turned to me.

"Whaaat" I wined. before I could explain why I had a bunch of boxes packed a girl with black hair and amber eyes interupted it was aphmau. Her mouth was also open including Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn. "I like clothes" I laughed.

~Dante's POV~
"How many boxes of clothings do u have? I asked. "Too many to count hehe" she jumped in the van grabbing a box. "Are you guys gonna help me or what" She yelled. Travis was no help at all, all he did was attempt to touch Y/N's butt. After a couple of minutes carrying boxes. I saw her having troubles with trying to pick up the box.

My IRENE shes cute. I took a break to drink water but I saw laurance bump into her causing her to fall down. I ran up to her catching her fall. Next thing I knew she was on top of me and the boys all stopped and glared at me I even saw Kawaii~Chan taking pictures. I swear I heard her say something about a new ship but I didnt care.

"A-are u okay? I asked. She just stayed there blushing. I told her she how beautiful she was. She blushed even more.. From a far I can see Laurance trying to carry Y/N's table. He missed a step the table dropped on his face. Y/N immediately hopped off and went to Laurance.

~Your POV~
I couldnt do anything, but stare at his dar blue eyes while he stares at mine. After a moment of silence I heard a loud thump. I turned around and saw Laurance on the floor. I immediately hopped off Dante going to Laurance to make sure he was ok.

When I got to Laurance his forehead was bleeding. "omg ur bleeding" I yelled. "here come with me" I took him by the wrist leading him to my house. I panickly ran upstairs to my room to get the first aid kit. I put a bit of  alcohol on the cut. "ahhh" he murmured in pain. "im sorry, but I have to make sure the cut is clean" I took a wet clean towel and rubbed off the blood around th cut.

~Laurance's POV~
  Her face was close to mine. Her lips were 2-3 inch away from touching mine. All I could do was admire her beauty. I looked at her soft B/S/L (size of lips) lips. MAN how I wanted to kiss her. I raised my dominant hand and placed it on her neck. She dropped the Wet towel. We both looked at each other for a moment. She bit her lips. I knew she want to kiss me. I leaned forward and she did too...

"LAURANCE" Garoth yelled. We both yelled and acted like nothing happend.

~Your POV~
Laurance and I were about to kiss until Garoth interupted. Laurance stood up looking at me, I looked back then he walked away.

~Time Skip~
"Well thanks guys, r u guys sure u guys dont want to stay and eat before u go? I asked. They all said they had to go. "well see u then I guess"  "Bye babe" he smirked. I giggled "byee Travis." I grabbed his shoulder and kiss his cheek he blushed. The boys growled. "Bye guys" As they left I head up stairs jumped to bed and fell asleep..

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