Gone Wrong

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Your POV: (9pm)
I walked in to my closet grabbing the shorts and bra the bartender told me to wear and placing it down on my bed. I looked at it dicustingly. I went to the bathroom changing into them. I looked at myself in the mirror with wide eyes. I turned my back to the mirror to see my butt cheeks were half exposed. "Ugh! these shorts are tight" I tugged on the shorts in between my legs. "I dont even think these are shorts" I walked out of the bathroom to my phone ringing. "Man I feel so exposed right now" I whispered grabbing my phone.
y: hey Aph
a: you coming to movie night?
y: oh shoot! I cant im sorry
a: why not?
y: im heading out...
a: where to?
y: the bar...
a: WHAT!
y: look im sorry but I have to go, ill explain later, bye!
a: Y/..
I hanged up. I quickly grabbed my keys, but before I stepped out of my room I took my f/c silky robe and my white converse and speedily slipped both of them on and headed out.

Zane's POV:
I was walking towards Aphmau's house for movie night until I saw Y/N rushing to her car wearing a f/c robe. I quickly hid behind a tree next to me. After a couple of seconds the car had passed by the tree I hid behind I quickly ran back to my house taking the car keys and followed to where ever Y/N headed to.

Aphmau's POV:
After 10 minutes checking on everybody I realized Zane isnt here. Where is he? I then walked upstairs grabbing my phone to call him. After a couple of calls he still hasn't answered. Then I thought of Y/N. I quickly grabbed my keys beside my lamp and rushed downstairs. Before I opened the door to the garage Kawaii~Chan approached me.
k~c: where is Aphmau~Senpai going? can Kawaii~Chan come?
I opened the door making sure no one notices. I then drove to the bar downtown.

Zane's POV:
I stopped the car a couple of cars away from where she parked. I watched her as she enter the bar. What is she doing here? I then got out of my car walking towards the club. I peeked inside to see her talking to the bartender taking off her robe. I blushed as she did. I couldnt help but stare at her up and down repeatedly. She wore an american styled bra and shorts that exposed half of her butt. only if Travis was here.. I then got pissed because a ton of guys tried to get with her from the back. I then walked in grabbing her arm leading both of us to the exit.
y: Z-Zane!
z: we r leaving!
She shook herself off of my grasp causing me to turn around.
y: no..
z: why not?
y: I need the money Zane..
A random guy then started hitting her from the back. It pissed me off causing me to punch the guy. He eventually blacket out. I took off my jacket putting it on Y/N. I carried her bridal style back to her car until Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan showed up. I told one of them to drive my car back to my house while I bring Y/N home. I set her down on the passanger seat while I ran to the drivers seat. Before I started the car Y/N pecked me on the cheek causing me to blush.
y: thank you.. Zane.

The reason why your new job was at the club cuz like I wanted to change it up a bit since alot of FF had the Maid Cafe in it so yehp.

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