Remember Me I

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Your POV:
z: why didnt you tell us?!
aph: Zane calm down!
z: how can you be calm, she couldv'e been raped!
aph: thats true... Y/N if you would have told us we wouldv'e helped you.
y: I didnt want to be a bother...
aph: we are all friends here and we help each other out no matter what...
After a couple of minutes being lectured they finally left. I changed into my pj's and head to bed.

>Time Skip< (the bar)
I walked in to see Richard looking at me with narrow eyes. I walked up to him sitting on the stool infront of him.
y: whats wrong?
r: I lost alot of customers because of what your friend did last night!
y: its not my fault that hes overprotective.
r: your'e fired! and from that you dont get any partial payment.
y: excuse me? I got you those customers..
He took out a stack of money throwing it savagely down on the counter infront of me. I slid the money with my fingers counting the money to see he only gave me $1,000
r: take it or leave it!
I walked out of the bar with anger on my face. I then felt better when I thought of food. Appearantly food always makes me feel better. I entered Mc Donalds ordering a quarter pound. After I finished eating I headed out slamming my head back and forth against a wall beside Forever21. What do I do? My rent payment is due in 2 days or else i'll be kicked out! I then heard a familiar voice talk to me.
??: miss, are you okay?
My heart shattered as I turned around.
y: N-Nathaniel?
n: Y-Y/N, what are you doing here?
I walked away holding back my tears ignoring his question. I then felt hands grab me by my forearm.
n: look Y/N if this is about the past im sorry... Please let me explain.

"Youv'e explained enough ever since that day" I replied not facing him.

He grabbed my shoulder turning me around forcing our lips to touch. I felt tears roll down my face as our lips met. I pulled away wiping my tears away.
y: this day keeps getting worst! first I get fired, second my rent bill is due in two days, and worst of all you came along!
I pointed my index finger towards him. He then reached for his back pocket pulling out a black leathered wallet. He pulled out money handing it to me.
n: look Y/N accept it, I just wanna make it up to you!
y: I dont need your pity!
I turned around walking away ignoring him calling my name repeatedly. He then caught up to me pulling me by the wrist causing me to turn around. He kneeled down grabbing both of my hands begging for me to forgive him. It hurts to see him like this. Just feeling his soft hands again braught back so many memories. Then a blue figure interupted.


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