Snow Day With Aaron

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{time skip to a couple months later cause can} :)

(your sick)
Phonecall (a-aphmau, y-you)
a: hey r u doing okay?
y: *cough cough* yeah.. what do u need?
a: I was wondering if u can come and hang, but if ur feeling really bad u dont need to come
y: no im okay *COUGH*
a: are u sure u dont sound like it
y: nah nah im absolutely fine *holds in cough*
I head up stairs holding my hot cocoa. I grabbed my thick coat and headed to aphmau's house. I got goosebumps and I was shivering. It was so cold outside I hugged myself rubbing my coat. I wasnt even halfway to aph's house, I was still right infront of mine. Everytime I breathe I see steam coming from my mouth. Before I could even step forward exiting my frontyard I collapsed....

Aaron's POV
*sigh* as I was jogging back to go home, I saw Y/N collapse. I ran towards her. I looked down to wear she collapsed and she was already covered in snow. I carried her bridal style to my house. I set her down on the couch looking at her beautiful face. She had snow all over her hair and face but she was still beautiful...

Garoth's POV
I walked outside heading to Apmau's house. As I did I saw Aaron carrying a girl to his house bridal style. "was that Y/N? Is she okay? what happend? I started heading to Aaron's house until Laurance interupted and pulled me inside..

{timee skip to u waking up}
Aaron's POV
I was making hot chocolate for both Y/N and I. I heard cute yawning. She woke up with total confusion on her face. She turned to me "where am I?"
a: ur at my house
y: why? what happend
a: you passed out heading idk where..
I gave her a cup with hot chocolate she gladly took it.
y: thank you :)
a: your welcome :)
I sat next to her. She blushed.
a: what do u wanna do? We can watch a movie or maybe play video games.
y: ooo you have video games!? WHAT KIND!
I told her I only had f/v/g (fave vid game) She turned to me with the most beautiful smile. It turned out it was her fave video game too.
y: im really good at it and im a proffesional!
a: are you sure? haha
y: just becuz im a girl doesnt mean I dont know how to play.
a: okay! fine I challenge you
y: whats in it for me?
a: a kiss
I smirked. After what I said she was quiet through out the first round.
{time skip}
We have been playing for the past few hours it was already night. I cant believe she beat me. She beat me by 5-2. I saw her stood up in the corner of my eye carrying a pillow. She went to the fireplace sitting down on the pillow she braught with her. I did the same. I sat next to her. "im cold" as she snuggled up next to me causing me to blush a bright red. Her head was on my chest. I put my arm around her waist to make her feel warm. We both looked at the fire calmly while drinking our hot chocolate. I took my index finger placing it below her chin. She looked at me with innocent eyes. I leaned in to kiss her cheek. "what was that for? she blushed. "well I decided to give u your reward after beating me at my own game" I chuckled. Its been quiet for a while, I looked down to see the beautiful Y/N sleeping. I carried her bridal style to my room setting her down on my bed. I laid down next to her, my arm holding my head up. I took my hand and removed Y/N's h/l(hair length) h/c hair out of her face. I stood up grabbing the thick blanket I had in my closet and placing it down on her. After staring at her for the past minutes. I passed out....

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