Remember Me II

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Your POV:
d: Y/N whos this?
I shook my hands off of Nathaniel's and turned around to see Dante narrowing his eyes on Nathaniel.

"u-uhm, Nathaniel this is my boyfriend!" I panicked as I put my right arm around his waist grabbing his left arm with my free hand placing it around my shoulders. I looked up at Dante to see him blushing. Nathaniel stood up offering a handshake.
n: hi.. im Nathaniel.
d: im Dante.
They shook hands.
n: youve got yourself a good one, trust me.
I then felt 2 fingers below my chin lifting my face up to see Dante with a smirk. He leaned down to give me a soft peck on the lips. D-did he just.. We both pulled away blushing. I looked back at Nathaniel to see his lips in his mouth. He slipped his hand inside his front pocket taking out a paper and pen. He stepped forward taking my hand, palm facing up. He placed the paper on my hand taking 4 of my fingers pushing them to close.
n: if you need anything, give me a call.
He turned his back to us and walked away. I opened my hand opening the paper to see he left his phone number on it. I really missed you. I slipped the paper into my front pocket, turning around facing Dante. I tippy toed putting my arms around his neck giving him a hug. I pulled away thanking him. He then looked down to the ground rubbing his neck.
y: Dante? are you okay?
d: will you g-go on a d-date with me?
Is he asking me out? I cupped his jaw with my hand forcing him to face me. We were now staring into each others eyes.
y: id love to.
d: ill pick you up at 8..
His confidence then boosted up taking my right hand colliding it with his left causing me to blush a bright pink. I then placed my head on his muscular arms as we walk away.

I dont like how I wrote this chapter but ehh..

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