Garoth's Room

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(does not affect da story, just lemon :D, might do da otha boys)
{not da lemon yet}

Your POV:
I woke up not remembering anything. I walked to the bathroom to see I was in my f/c bikini and a red jacket over it. I then took a bath. After my bathe I changed into my lazy outfit. I wore (search it up angelica) I walked down to the kitchen grabbing milk fromthe fridge. I tippy toed reaching for my (fave cereal) up in the shelf. When I got the cereal I grabbed a bowl pouring milk in it along with the cereal. I walked over to the couch turning on the tv. I scrolled down to see there was a new episode for Liv and Maddie. Once I finished my cereal I walked over to the dishwasher putting my bowl in. What do I do? Should I go to Aph... No, she has work including the girls.. how about Aaron? Zane? Idk... im too lazy to call them. How about Laurance?  I mean he doesnt have a job... I walked out of the door not caring about my clothes and my phone. I then ran into Dante.
d: oh hey Y/N
y: hey Dante, is Laurance home?
d: hes with Garoth and Travis.
y: where are you going?
d: im off to work, have fun!
He walked off as I walked towards the boys place. The door was left unlocked so I walked in. They werent in the living room nor the kitchen. I checked downstairs then bathroom. Plz dont be here! I opened the door with my eyes closed. Once the door was fully opened I slowly opened my eyes to see no one.
I walked into Garoth's Room. As the door opened I heard soft moans. I looked at the direction of the sound to see the three of them!?
What the hell!



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