Happy For Them..

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Timeskip<3 months later>
Your POV:
I woke up nervous knowing that both Aaron and I have to confess today. I sat up scooting off of my bed. I stretched my arms yawning. Why am I so nervous? I mean the boys will understand right? I stepped in the bathroom taking a nice hot shower. After I was done I grabbed the spare keys Aaron gave me 2 days ago. Knowing him he is probably sleeping. I then got changed (pick watever outfit) After I changed I walked towards Aaron's house being stopped by everyone..

Timeskip(sorry if my writing seems off)
After using the bathroom I walked downstairs. 5 steps before I got down, I slipped. I closed my eyes to feel the huge impact. Instead I felt arms around me.
y: thx..
I slowly opened my eyes. Next thing I know I was staring at my boyfriend's dark brown eyes.. I then felt eyes towards us. I turned to the direction of the Living room. Everyone was staring. Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau had their phones out. Laurance forming a fist. Dante giving death glares. Travis crossing his arms. Garoth sobbing stretching his cheeks down. And Katelyn like always, No care at all. I blushed looking back at Aaron.
y: they're staring at us..
a: whats wrong with that?
y: can you let me go now?
a: lets stay like this can we?
y: why? you just made a death wish towards the boys..
a: I dont care they need to know your mine. And you are..
With what Aaron said Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau screamed so loud our eardrums were about to break along with the windows. Aaron then put me back on my feet. I blsuhed as our hands intertwined. We walked towards our gang. Everyone jaws drop seeing I havent let go yet.
l: whats going on?
g: w-why are you guys holding h-hands?
y: we have something to t-tell you guys..
k: can you both shut up your gonna make us deaf.
a/k~c: sorry Katelyn~Sama
d: ok now tell us.
y/a: Aaron,|Y/N| and I are t-together..
With this the guys frowned as the girls screamed louder than ever except for Katelyn.
l: look Y/N we may love you but hey, we wont stop you from loving.
g: no matter what we will always love you.
k: congrats!
d: we understand, if you love Aaron we wont stop you.
t: if he hurts you, tell me cuz imma..
Before Travis could finish his sentence Dante covered his mouth. I giggled.
y: thx guys..

Aphmau's POV:
I cant help but feel jealous. I mean if they both love each other Ill accept it. Aphmau... You cant be jealous you and Aaron broke up years ago.. And Y/N she is like a sister to me.. My thoughts got cut off to my butt vibrating. I reached for my phone in my back pocket reading a text message..

Text Message:
luc: hey I heard about the hot springs at (mountain name) do you mind telling everybody about it?
aph: no I dont mind, and I got good news.
luc: oo what is it?
aph: Aaron and Y/N are dating..
luc: I knew they had a deep connection.
aph: yeehh
luc: are you okay?
aph: yah, ill just go tell the squad..
I put away my phone telling them about the hot springs...
l: well sure, I need a break anyways.
We all headed home except for Y/N she slept over. After I did my night routine I plopped on the bed staring at the ceiling. I still dont love him right? or do I.. At the thought of Y/N and Aaron I then fell into a deep slumber.

woah das intense well to me...

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