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Aaron's POV:
Its been hours ever since ive heard that horryfying sound, Beep. Im just glad she stayed. Thank Irene... I walked to a gift shop noticing a stuffed animal. Y/N's favorite animal, f/a. I walked in being greeted by a cashier.
??: well hello there kind sir, I saw you look at that stuffed animal. Are you deciding to give it to your love one?
a: actually yes.
??: whats with the tone?
a: m-my girlfriend, I-I dont know when she'll be able to wake up..
??: oh im so sorry..
a: its okay..
She then walked over to the f/a stuffed animal taking it. She then handed it over.
??: my treat.
She gave me a warm calming smile..
a: why is that?
??: just make sure shes okay, k?
I thanked her heading out the door. Well that cashier lady was nice. I stepped inside to see Y/N sitting up straight with everybody circling around her.
a: Y/N!
I ran to her dropping the stuffed animal on her lap. I hugged her, she hugged me back. She looked down with a big smile on her face.
y: aww you remembered!
She gave me a peck on the cheek.
k: thank Irene your okay we were all worried about you!
k~c: Y/N~Senpai dont do that again!
luc: you got us worried there.
t: still beautiful in that hospital gown.
l/d/a/g: TRAVIS!
aph: its not the time for flirting around..

Your POV:
I giggled painly. I hissed in pain carressing my stomach. Everyone turned to me.
y: i-im okay!
g: Y/N stop hiding it we know your in pain.
a: babe im so sorry!
He kneeled down intertwining his hands shaking them back and forth infront of his face. I couldnt help but giggle. I grabbed his hands.
y: its not your fault, you didnt know..
I turned my head back at everyone to see Laurance was gone.

(short cuz idk) ill be gone for a quite while. You guys should check out my new book its not anything about mcd or ms but I think its nice... you dont need to hehe. If you want to read it its called 'Broken Promise'

Goodbye (MS boys x reader) Where stories live. Discover now