The Past II (His Game)

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~Phonecall~ (N-Nathaniel, Y-You)
N: Hey where are you?
Y: Im sorry I cant make it to the game, I have to go babysitt.
N: where is ur mom?
Y: My mom went to a meeting, and idk when shes coming back.
N: *sigh* no its ok I understand.....
??: Come on bro, the games about to start.
N: Sorry babe I gotta go, take care of yourself ok??
Y: yup, I love you good luck :)
N: Mkay.. thc byee
(hangs up)

~Time skip~
I heard the door opening I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the knife assuming the person was a burglar. I ran up to em and it was my MOM?!
"I thought u were at work" "I was hun, but they canceled the meeting... and why r u holding a knife?! she said confused. "hehh I thought u were a burglar.. again hehe" I said nervously while rubbing the back of my neck. "Well I heard it was Nathaniel's Championship Game, why aren't u there supporting him? She asked. "well u were gone so I had to take care of    S/N (sis name) "Im here now, now go before the game finishes! she yelled. "REALLY MOM?? UR THE BEST! I ran to my room and changed my clothes, then head to the field.
~Time skip~ (I recommend to play the song now)
I snuck up to the bleachers. I wanted to surprise him I smiled. I made sure he didnt notice me. When I snuck into the game, the game was about to be finish. I saw him he was the one with the F/N (fave number) jersey on. TOUCHDOWN! (tbh ik nothin about football lol) After he won the game for the team, he ran up to a.. cheerleader?? He grabbed her by the waist and k-kissed her? "I-I.. that cant be him right? He turned around and saw the number of the jersey. Oh my irene why? I stood up with tears in my eyes. He caught me. We looked at each other. I ran down the bleachers heading home. I heard my name being yelled. I couldnt make out anything. Everything was blurr from the tears. I ran across the street. Next thing I knew I blacked out....

(sorry ik its dramatic but things r gonna get better ) 🙂

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