Chapter 2

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"Go Isaac!" I yelled as he was running down the field with the ball in his stick thingy. I was never to interested in this sport but it's kind of fun, I guess. Isaac launched the ball out of his stick and it landed right into the goal.

Every one jumped up and screamed out of joy, the whole team ran over too him and started to crowd around him. My eyes got big, I started to run off the stands and onto the field. I could here Allison yelling my name, but I needed to get to Isaac!

"Isaac!!" I yelled trying to get to him, I was pushing players out of the way. All of the sudden the whole team got quiet and I heard some yell my brother's name. NO! I finally got to the middle and saw Stilles and Scott trying to calm down Isaac.

I looked at my brother and studied his face, he had sweat pouring down his face. Then I noticed something very strange, his eyes were now yellow? "Isaac?" I said quietly and every one looked at me, except Scott and Isaac. Stilles ran over to me and grabbed my arm pulling me away.

"Stilles let me go! I need to help Isaac!" I yelled trying to get away. I looked back, Scott and Isaac were gone, Where'd they go?

                  *Isaac's POV*

"I tried to breath Scott, but they got so close. Closing me in like I was back in... there." I said as we sat in Derek's house. "I think you scared the shit out of your sister, she was really worried." Scott said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed and put my face in my hands, "I know, she gets so worried about me and it should be the other way around." I said and chucked lightly. "Are you not worried about her?" he asked confused, "Of course I am, I just know she can handle her self."

"She's my baby sister and she's so young, but she is a very strong person and a badass. And now that's she's in high school, it'll be harder to protect her." I said playing with my helmet. "What do you mean, 'protect her'? From what?" he asked messing with some thing on a table in the corner.

Before I could answer him, some one else did. "He's trying to protect her from Peter, the alpha pack, and myself." Derek said walking in from the back door. I looked at him and smirked, "You forgot boys." I said standing up to get ready to leave.

"You can't hide us forever Isaac, all secrets come out sooner or later." he said getting closer. "She's 15 Derek, she doesn't have to know anything!"

I said glaring at him. "But she needs to know." he said glaring back. I felt defeated just standing there feeling his glare, she can't know, it's the only way to protect her.

I grabbed my helmet and ran out of the house, I can't tell her....not yet.


Okay, there is Chapter 2 Hope you like it, and it'd you don't well then yeah....get out. Just kidding! Lol Love you all my little giraffes!

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