Chapter 37

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Stiles and I were on our way to Scott's house where everyone was meeting up for presents and dinner. I had gotten all of my gifts wrapped and in the jeep before Stiles was even out of the shower. I had a feeling that this was going to be a great day.

"You excited?" I asked Stiles as we pulled into Scott's driveway, "Yeah, how about you?" he asked turning off the car. "Yeah." I said and we got out of the jeep, grabbed the gifts, and went inside. "Hey guys!" I said as we walked into the living room. "Hey." they all said and we got to opening the gifts, "Ok so Lyss this one is for you from me." Isaac said handing me a medium sized box.

I opened it to find a Mrs. Hood hoodie, a 5sos beanie, and a Cal Pal iphone case. "Oh my god Isaac." I said and gave him a huge hug, I took out my phone and put the case on. "Ok Scott, I have one for you." I said and handed him a square box. He unwrapped it and his mouth feel open, "How did you even get this?" he asked looking up at me.

"With a little help from Stiles and EBay." I said sitting down next to Stiles. I gave Scott all of the Blink-182 albums, Stiles told me he lives them so I figured it would be nice gift. "Why don't you look inside." I said with a mischievous smile, he shrugged and opened up the first case and then screamed like a fangirl.

"I-It's all of them?!" he said with a big ass smile, "Yeah pretty much." I said smiling at him. "Well now my gift is gonna look like shit, thanks Lyssa." Stiles said, then Mrs.McCall yelled at him for using "foul" language. Everyone else gave and received gifts, but by the time we had all finished it was 11:30 and I needed some food.

"Stiles do you wanna go get some breakfast?" I asked looking up at him, "Sure but what place is open on Christmas?" he asked and I thought about it. "No one." I sighed dramatically and rubbed my stomach, "Stop being so dramatic and let's get you some cereal." he said chuckling.

"Yay!" I cheered and ran into the kitchen, I got two bowls down and poured some cereal into both. After I poured the milk I set the two bowls on the table and sat down. Stiles came into the kitchen and took a seat next to me, "You made me a bowl?" he asked looking at me.

"No, it's mine. Get your own."


"No I'm just kidding, it's yours."

"Thanks babe." he said and kissed my cheek. "No problem." I mumbled and kept eating my cereal. Once we were both finished we went back into the living room with everyone else. Stiles went off to talk to Scott and Isaac as Lydia came over to talk to me. "So, what did you give Stiles for Christmas?" she asked looking over at him and then back at me.

"You were there you saw him open-"

"No I mean later." she said raising her eyebrows, it took me a minute but I finally figured out what she ment. "No Lydia gross." I said playfully slapping her arm and shaking my head disapprovingly. "Oh come on Lyss, you two have been dating for almost a month now.Should've been dating longer than that, but not the point. Give the boy what he wants." she said

"Lydia, that's not what he wants."

"Lyssa he is a hormonal teenage boy, what do you think he wants?" she asked and then walked away. When she said that only one thing pooped into my head, someone like Malia. I wanted to slap myself for even thinking like that, Stiles has said that he wants me and not her numerous times.

I just can't stop thinking that he might leave me for her one day, that I'm not good enough for him so he'll move on. That's just my insecurities talking, of course he wouldn't do that. Stiles isn't that kind of guy, he could never hurt a girl like that. I'm over thinking this way too much, I just need to calm down and relax.

I looked over at Stiles laughing about something with Scott and Isaac, all of the sudden he turned and caught my eye then smiled at me. I smiled back at him and he waved his hand slightly, signaling for me to come over. I walked over to him, "What's up?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist. "Nothing, I just want you." he said and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"No not that way, I don't want you that way. I-I mean I do, of course I do but I don't." he stumbled over his words, it was adorable. "Stiles, it's fine I know what you meant." I googled shaking my head at him. His cheeks were as red as a fire truck from blushing so hard, he's just so cute that it gave me chest pains.

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