Chapter 30

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I was laying in my bed my head pounding from crying all night. I looked at my phone seeing nothing from Calum, I don't know why I'm even waiting since he's gone. Where are you Cal!

There was a knock on my door, "Come in." I said just above a whisper. The door opened and in walked Isaac, "Hey Lyss, how you holding up?" he asked sitting at the end of my bed. I just shrugged my shoulders and wiped my eyes, he sighed giving me a hug.

"Lyssa he's going to be okay-"

"You don't know that Isaac, they can't even find him. He's gone Isaac." I said sobbing into his chest. I rubbed my back in small soothing circles, whispering that everything is going to be ok. I eventually feel asleep, which is what I really needed.


"Come on babe!" Calum yelled pulling me through the crowd of the carnival trying to get to the freak show. "I'm coming Cal." I giggled and we took our seats inside the tent, we got front row surprisingly considering there was a lot of people.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the freak show!" the host yelled out, and I started thinking, Why am I here. "Cal, why are we here?" I asked looking at him as the first one came out. I looked up and gasped, "Isaac?"I asked confused.

What made it even more weird was that he was in wolf form. Then next cane out Lydia, "Lydia? What's going on?" then out cane Stiles, but he looked sick. He was pale and had dark people bags under his eyes, the next person the came out shocked me more than ever.

"Calum?" I asked and my eyes glossed over, his throat was ripped out and he was covered in blood. "No! Not again!" I yelled jumping out of my seat and ran on stage, but as I ran at them they kept moving father away. "Stop! Please stop moving away!" I yelled as I fell to my knees putting my face in my hands, sobbing.

I looked back up and they were all in front of me telling how it was my fault and that I'm a horrible person, I'm worthless, a killer. "NO I'M NOT! STOP IT! JUST SHUT UP!" I screamed covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut.

                  *end of dream*

I shot up in bed screaming Isaac's name sobbing and gripping my comforter. There was feet stomping and my door opened up, the lights switched on. "Hey, hey it's ok Lyss. What's wrong? What happened?" Isaac asked wrapping his arms around me. "Calum..and you...freak show....moving away!" I sobbed into his chest.

I felt another hand on my back and jumped, I turned around and looked up to see Scott. "It's ok Lyss." he said quietly, I shook my head leaning on Isaac again. "Lydia was there." I said quietly, "What do you mean?" Isaac asked looking down at me.

"In my dream, in the freak show. I don't know why though...she's completely normal. She did look like she was screaming though, but other than that nothing weird." I said and Scott's phone started ringing.

"Hey...yeah she's fine....what do you mean?...ok, well see you soon...bye" Scott hung up the phone and looked at me. "That was Stiles, we have to go." he said and walked out, Isaac left me to get ready saying everything was fine.

I got up and put on a sweater, some dark blue skinny jeans, and a pair of black vans. I ran my fingers through my hair and left to go downstairs. "Ok, let's go." I said as Scott and Isaac looked up at me, they got up and we left getting into Isaac's car as Scott took his bike.

We passed Stiles house and I looked at him confused, "I thought we were going to Stiles'?" I asked and he took a quick glance at me then back at the road. "We are." he said and kept following Scott, we drove all the way to Derek's apartment.

"What's going on?" I asked quietly getting out with Isaac, Scott got off of his bike. We got inside and saw Stiles, Derek, and sadly Peter standing around the couch. "Guys." Scott said and they all turned around, "Lyssa." Derek said and gave me a small smile. I gave him one back and looked at Stiles, he looked like he hadn't slept.

"So why are we here?" I asked  playing with my hands, "This is why." Peter said and I snapped my head up. They all moved away from the couch and smiled, happy tears rolled down my face. Thank you!


So what do you think was there when they moved?

I'm excited about the next chapter!

Thanks for reading! I love you all my little giraffes! :) <3

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