Chapter 25

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"I'm so tired." I whispered as I looked at Stiles, "I know, I have to ask you something." he said looking back at me. "Go for it." I said rubbing my eyes, "Why did you say that Eric was the sweetest guy you had ever met?" he asked and I lightly blushed.

"I didn't want to say anything to you guys but my first week at school wasn't the best, there was this group of guys that were making fun of me and stuff. One day they were pushing me around and he was coming down the hall to go back to class. He started yelling at them and they all ran away, for the rest of the day he took me to each class and always asked if I was okay and if they'd came near me." I explained

"Why didn't you tell me though?" he asked propping himself up on his elbow. "Well I didn't really know you that well and I didn't want you to get mad." I said and chewed on the inside of my lip. "Who's the sweetest guy you know now?" he asked and I looked up at him and smiled, "You are." I said. He smiled at me and moved a piece of hair putt of my eyes and put it behind my ear. "Your clothes are comfy." I said and giggled, "They look good on you." he added and I blushed.

"Lyssa, if I tried something would you promise not to freak out?" he asked playing with the ends of my hair. "I promise." I said studying his facial expressions, he looked nervous, well from what I could see. He took a deep breath and moved closer to me, "What are you doing-"  I was saying until I was cut off by Stiles lips pressing against mine.

I was so shocked that I didn't kiss back yet so he started to pull away. I quickly attached my lips to his before he could move away, he kissed back putting his right hand on my waist pulling me closer to him. I smiled into the kiss as did he and I pulled away, took a breath then smiled at him. He smiled back pecking my lips, I cuddled up into his chest.

"Goodnight Stiles."

"Goodnight Lyssa."

________2:30 in the afternoon________

My eyes fluttered open but all I saw was Stiles chest, he was really warm and smelled really good. "Stiles?" I asked quietly and shook him a little bit. He groaned then just tightened his grip around me, "Stiles we have to get up." I said and shook him again. "Fine, I'm up." he said letting me go and sitting up. I started to laugh, "What's so funny?" he asked

looking around.

"Your h-hair." I laughed while clutching my stomach, he looked at me and crossed his arms. I stopped laughing and ran my fingers through it, "It's ok, I like it messy." I said winking at him. "You're such a weirdo." he said and kissed my cheek. I blushed while we got out of  bed, went into the bathroom, and I started brushing my teeth.

I handed Stiles a spare one and he started to brush his also. We started making funny faces at each other, trying to make the other one spit all over the place. I almost did when we heard the door bell. I looked over at Stiles and finished brushing really quickly, "It's probably just Isaac." I said unsure.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go check it out." I said and he mumbled a be careful then spit into the sink. I slowly walked down the stairs and went around the corner into the living room. I quickly opened the door and smiled, "What are you doing here?How did you even find me?" I asked him.

"Lydia told me where you lived so I decided to come and surprise you." he said giving me a hug, I hugged him back. "Cool, um, I'm sorry that I didn't text you back the other day. I was really busy with my cousin and my brother." I said playing with my fingers. "Um no it's cool, I just thought that I said something wrong or...Yeah." he mumbled on.

"Do you want to come in?"

"I actually came by to ask you a question..."

"What is it?"

"Would you want to maybe go with me to the winter dance?" he asked biting his lip. He looks so cute and nervous! "I would love to go with you." I said and hugged him, he hugged me back and kissed my cheek. "Ok, I have to go but I'll text you. Bye." he said and turned to leave.

"Bye." I said and shut the door, I started jumping up and down from excitement. "Who and what was that?" Stiles asked standing in the door way with his arms crossed. Shit! I forgot about Stiles! "That was my friend Calum, I met him a while ago. He goes to our school and-"

"He asked you to go to the winter dance with him. Yeah I know I heard, I was standing here the hole time." he said shaking his head. "Then why did you ask what that w-"

"I meant you saying yes, and him kissing you!" He yelled dropping his arms and getting closer to me. "I said yes because I want to go with him. That wasn't even a kiss! It was a friendly peck on the cheek! Why do you even care? We aren't dating, I'm not yours!" I yelled back and he turned away.

"Did it mean nothing to you?" he asked turning back to me his eyes glossing over. "Did what mean nothing?"

"The kiss. The one last night."

"It did mean something to me Stiles. I've been waiting for a month for you to make a move, or do something! You chose to kiss me when I was in a horrible place, I had just found out that I killed some one! I like you Stiles, I really really do, but I'm going with Calum."

"I like you too Lyssa, I..I was just trying to wait for the right time to tell you and make a move! I should have done it earlier, but I didn't, I'm sorry." he said shaking his head at me, I looked at him and bit my lip.

"So am I."

So am I


Ok, so I know that this chapter is kinda short but I needed to hurry up and tell you all something.





This book will be ending, don't worry there will be a sequel!

I love you all my little giraffes! :) <3

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